Q and A
A space where people can seek clarification on questions around $. eg can I claim this expense? How much do I need to keep aside for Super? Anything that you need......It i envisaged that over time people will post questions here rather than emailing admin, thus sharing the learning and reducing duplication.
Deleted User Thu 23 Aug 2018 5:00AM
I am in the process of starting the Dollars Handbook-we can keep this updated from the Q & A raised here.
Deleted User Thu 23 Aug 2018 5:01AM
Question: if I request for something to be paid from my bucket, should I receive a receipt for this?
Lyb Makin Thu 23 Aug 2018 5:08AM
Absolutely - I cannot see a reason why this wouldn't apply. in my view, all payments should be supported by a receipt and properly documented. Because Jeder is self-managed/ working towards self-management, it should be each individual's responsibility to provide receipts within a certain timeframe - not sure what that should be though, open to ideas on this.
Deleted User Thu 23 Aug 2018 6:32AM
Ah, OK this is another very relevant discussion, and there are also specifications around what constitutes a valid receipt..... I wans't clear in my question, I understand that people are requesting for things like training to come out of their personal buckets and are then requesting a receipt. My question would be why is a receipt needed, the evidence of the payment is in the transaction report. If it is paid from a personal bucket it cannot be claimed as a tax deducation, so why would I need a receipt?

Michelle Dunscombe Thu 23 Aug 2018 7:15AM
I think there needs to be clarification regarding if you can claim training paid from your bucket via your personal tax return. I think this has been where the requests have come from.
Lyb Makin Thu 23 Aug 2018 7:27AM
Aha, sorry for confusing things!
Jason Emmins Thu 23 Aug 2018 8:02AM
Good questions though- do we issue receipts/tax invoices to others that pay personally (i.e Art of Hosting/Participatory Leadership)? Is there a part on the yearly group certificates that could capture "Other payments" such as arrangements mentioned above?
Deleted User Thu 23 Aug 2018 8:24AM
If the payment is made directly from a bucket, then technically it is Jeder who has paid for the training. To be able to claim anything as a tax deducation on a personal return you have to have paid for it out of your pocket and not claimed it through any other means. I would imagine that we can and maybe do (if requested) issue receipts for anyone who pays money to Jeder for anything. Re the group certificate question, my understanding is that paying for work related expenses from a bucket does not consitute a fringe benefit, and therefore not included on a payment summary.

Michelle Dunscombe Thu 23 Aug 2018 8:33AM
Thanks for clarifying @kerry63 it's something to consider e.g. if I was a contractor I could claim all my travel, training, workshops etc that I pay for however as a employee I can't as any payment is seen as a reimbursement. Have I got that right?
Lyb Makin · Thu 23 Aug 2018 4:57AM
Hi Kerry - I am really supportive of this process - can I suggest that we have a document that records the general gist of advice given through this process, that Jederites can use as a finances policy for issues arising in this space? Lyb