
Economics of TPPA

DS Danyl Strype Public Seen by 353

An imminent threat to internet freedoms is the TPPA. The defence of this deal is that while sacrificing freedoms we get better access to overseas markets for our agricultural commodities (esp. milk powder). There are so many problems with that argument that it needs it's own thead (and the TPPA will be an election issue), but the Pirates need to be able to articulate an economic vision that embraces internet freedoms (and our other core policies). This thread will develop some policy points which candidates can use to undermine the economic arguments for the TPPA.

Some discussion of this topic has taken place on the PPNZ email group:


Andrew Reitemeyer Sun 11 Oct 2015 4:43AM

There is little chance that Labour will vote against the legislation required to enact the TPP and even if they did it could well split them as Martyn Bradbury reports. So unless there is a rejection by a major partner e.g. US or Japan We are locked in.
How do we go from here. Start campaiging against FISA, work on a strategy to withdraw from the TPP or both?


Danyl Strype Sun 11 Oct 2015 6:04AM

I respect Bomber, but I think he's wrong on this, and parroting a self-fulfilling prophecy propagated by Crosby-Textor shills. As I said on the OpenChat list, there is a battle going on for the soul of Labour, between the members and affiliated unions, and the neo-liberal rump who've managed to hold onto safe Labour seats since the 80s (or inherited them from their neoliberal mentors eg Mike Moore handing over to Clayton Cosgrove). Bringing Labour back into the fold of the opposition to National is part of what we must do to defeat not only the TPPA, but the current wave of neoliberal "lawfare" (to quote Assange) coming from the USA.


Andrew Reitemeyer Sun 11 Oct 2015 6:08AM

I have just become aware of something in the info on the TPP the government has put out. It is possible to withdraw from the agreement.
http://beehive.govt.nz/sites/all/files/TPP-Q&A-Oct-2015.pdf (second to last section)
Campaigning for a withdrawal from the treaty is a workable strategy.


Danyl Strype Sun 1 Nov 2015 9:45AM

Jane Kelsey has debunked the Herald's spin on Investor State Dispute Settlements in the TTP in a piece on theDailyBlog. She agrees that it's not too late to bury the TPP, and is calling all opponents to attend another Day of Action on Nov 14. She says:

It is crucial to stress that it’s not too late for us to stop this happening. The TPPA is far from being signed, sealed and delivered.

The political trade-offs on the TPPA were concluded at the ministerial meeting in Atlanta, but it will be at least 3 more months before the text can be signed. Under US law, the President must give 90 days’ notice before doing so and he hasn’t given that notice yet. The text will be publicly released at least 30 days into that 90 days.

There is a lot of work to be done to counteract the pro-TPPA spin machine, especially around ISDS. Expert analyses will be published as the text is available. But New Zealanders also need to send the government and Labour a resounding message that they don’t want the TPPA.


Andrew Reitemeyer Tue 3 Nov 2015 7:54PM

The EU will be insisting on a proper judicial system to govern any 'free trade' agreement with New Zealand not the SDS tribunals.


Hubat McJuhes Sat 14 Nov 2015 3:54AM

I have been to the protest walk in Wellington today. Lots of great people there, good speeches, some Palmy Pirates and quite a number of people who asked me about our flag and who we are. I call this a success.


Danyl Strype Fri 18 Mar 2016 3:15AM

That's a brilliant photo! Can we put it on the front page of pirateparty.org.nz? Where can we get more of these flags from?