Economics of TPPA

An imminent threat to internet freedoms is the TPPA. The defence of this deal is that while sacrificing freedoms we get better access to overseas markets for our agricultural commodities (esp. milk powder). There are so many problems with that argument that it needs it's own thead (and the TPPA will be an election issue), but the Pirates need to be able to articulate an economic vision that embraces internet freedoms (and our other core policies). This thread will develop some policy points which candidates can use to undermine the economic arguments for the TPPA.
Some discussion of this topic has taken place on the PPNZ email group:!topic/ppnz/U04WCDIz4x4

Andrew Reitemeyer Wed 5 Feb 2014 11:35PM
UBI should be a part of any economic platform.

Hubat McJuhes Fri 7 Feb 2014 8:31AM
UBI can only come in conjunction with a tax reform and possibly requires some sort of land reform as well (see Nick).
Does anybody know if the TPPA would bring extra obstacles for such plans?

Hubat McJuhes Fri 7 Feb 2014 8:34AM
What is the current situation about GE in NZ currently?
Is it legal to produce GE food in NZ?
If not, is imported GE food allowed in the stores?
If not, then the TPPA would certainly change that, I bet. This could be a strong argument against it for many.

Danyl Strype Mon 10 Feb 2014 12:33AM
AFAIK commercial cultivation of GMO crops or husbandry of GMO animals is not allowed. Experimental field trials are allowed, including outdoor ones, but permission needs to be sought from the Environmental Risk Management Authority, under the HASNO (Hazardous Substances and New Organisms) Act.
I'm not sure if there are any specific references to GMOs in the TPPA, but I assume that it would allow any GMO regulatory regime - even compulsory labeling of foods with GMO ingredients - which is seen to limit the business opportunities of biotech corporations to be challenged at the WTO. Imagine the "IP" section would push for allowing life patents for GMOs.
Andrew McPherson Tue 11 Feb 2014 11:43AM
I would say that free trade is not as important as fair trade. I don't care if the USA gets to pay a free price for our agricultural goods, what I do care about is that I pay a fair price for my subsidised medicine.
I do not want to see the sovereignty of our state become subservient to the bottom line of multinationals.
I don't want to have big tobacco sue NZ for passing generic labelling.
I don't want Serco sue NZ when it decriminalises dope.
I don't want Qantas to sue NZ when we tax carbon.
I don't want Facebook to sue teenagers for closing their accounts.
I don't want KFC to sue those of us who have their secret recipe.
I don't want much, all I want is sanity in politics.

Andrew Reitemeyer Tue 11 Feb 2014 6:50PM
All international trade agreements should be transparent and subject to public approval by binding referendum.

Danyl Strype Wed 12 Feb 2014 3:31AM
An update on the current state of TPAA negotiations here:
The TL;DR seems to be that if we can hold it off for another 6 months or so, I will probably go into the dustbin of “free trade” history along with the MAI and ACTA.

Danyl Strype Sun 4 Oct 2015 12:18PM
The TPP campaign has been so successful in turning public opinion against signing up that Key and Groser have been engaged in a range of desperate tactics. The latest was to get Helen Clark to have a photo op with Key and give her blessing to the TPP. It's really important to keep up the pressure against NZ signing the TPP. Can we put out a press release keep reiterating all the negatives for our country relating to our core policy areas?

Danyl Strype Wed 7 Oct 2015 11:04PM
Noam Chomsky talks about how every part of the phrase "free trade agreement" is a lie when it comes to TPPA and similiar "low wage treaties (to quote Richard Stallman). About 10 minutes into the video I've linked, Chomsky explains how to the degree that these treaties are about trade at all, they are protectionist agreements, not supporting real free trade at all.
David Peterson · Wed 5 Feb 2014 7:31AM
You're not just going to oppose free trade?