
[/!\ PLEASE FOCUS ON THIS] How organize ourselves ?

F Flaburgan Public Seen by 73

Flaburgan Thu 13 Sep 2012 5:21PM

We are using loom.io for only one week with more or less 12 people and it is already confusing. I think we should stop create threads, groups etc and focus on how we want to use this tool before continue.

As you can see, Loom.io is a great tool only if we don't create 12 proposals per day, with a lot of debate inside. Loom.io require sign in, for the moment we can't make search, it is not possible to use with 200 persons of the community.

I propose that we use loomio to summarize and vote, and only for that. This means that debate should be directly on Diaspora, with all the community.

For example, this thread should be a post by me in Diaspora, reshared by Diaspora HQ and with hashtags which allow all community user to find it. We comment, exchange, debate, etc.. on diaspora about "how organize ourselves" and after that, some propositions will appear. Random example : "do all on diaspora", "do all on loomio", "use both".
Each of these propositions will be create as a "proposal" on loomio, and we vote.

This will allow us to manage easily proposition from everybody. What do you think about it ?


Jason Robinson Thu 13 Sep 2012 5:27PM

I agree. I think it's partly because of all the excitement everybody is having :D When people realize that discussing things doesn't mean they will get done maybe things will slow down ;) Or not.

But definitely for generic discussion just have it on D*. I don't think this can be enforced very well. Just everyone keep it in mind and don't feed discussions that clearly have no decision making in them.

I was thinking of some kind of proposal pre-work guidelines, like making an actual proper longer proposal formatted in the wiki or something. Might make sense at least in more complex technical proposals which need a finalizing vote.

The other option if we want here discussion is to have a group which will only have decision making proposals. The rest of the proposals in other groups would just be voting to get community yes/no guiding. In the decision making group no other discussion groups would be allowed and would be enforced by admins.


goob Thu 13 Sep 2012 5:29PM

I agree that it's far too confusing at the moment with people creating proposals willy-nilly.

I agree that before proposals on anything else are made, we should agree on (1) how we are going to organise governance, documentation, development and so on, and (2) how we are going to use Loomio.

I'm almost ready to give up before I've even got started. For example, I came here to respond to your proposal after I got (yet another) email about it, and there are 50 (FIFTY!) notifications waiting for me, since when I checked in last night. This is far too many - it would be a full-time job keeping on top of all of those.

Please, everyone, work on structure first, and then start to make proposals for action.


Jonne Haß Thu 13 Sep 2012 5:30PM

It's a shame to say it but Diaspora is (currently) just not stable enough for that, in terms of federation. On high comment threads I'm usually missing like 30% of the comments. Also with Diaspora it's hard to participate if you setup your pod after the Post for a discussion was made. Diaspora is just not ready yet for this.


Flaburgan Thu 13 Sep 2012 5:46PM

I agree Jonne, so this is maybe not the solution, but we definitely need a way to organize, because when we have this much notifications, it's not possible. So maybe group. For example, I want to discuss about what features develop, but I don't want to discuss about how implement them.
Or make a priority system, to look only on important proposal, I don't know, but right now, this is not ok.


Jonne Haß Thu 13 Sep 2012 5:52PM

iirc the loomio devs plan to add tags to discussions and I bet filtering on that, so after that we could easily use that to develop proper workflows for prioritization etc.

That said this is all new, new tool, new community, personally I would like to gather some experiences instead of deciding everything upfront and having a hard time to change it later and communicating these changes to all participants.