Wed 17 Jul 2024 3:40PM

Reading Group ... a subgroup of Social.Coop

This subgroup has not met in a while.


I propose a Meet & Greet. I created this poll in our Reading Group space on Loomio https://www.loomio.com/d/N9C0j2bT/summer-2024-invitation-from-me-for-readingbingov24-/3.

Please respond to this poll for a meeting of the Reading Group: https://share.mayfirst.org/apps/polls/s/6IwAeL4Q. The meeting times are mostly in August at 8 PM and 9 PM (U.S. Eastern time/NYC time) on Monday and Thursday evenings.


Nigini Oliveira Fri 16 Aug 2024 7:46PM

@Caitlin Waddick, CaitlinWaddickSocial.Coop Have we reached an agreement on a date do meet and greet?


semturan Wed 17 Jul 2024 4:01PM

Hey Caitlin and everybody in this thread!

I'm Sem, work in Community, Communications and Governance Research at Nexus Mutual DAO and we've been organizing a reading group as well! We are currently 8 people, meet bi-weekly on Fridays at 15 GMT and are reading Governable Spaces by Nathan Schneider. We have a preliminary reading list laid out starting from August: https://forum.nexusmutual.io/t/governance-reading-group-2024-q3-q4-preliminary-reading-list-schedule/1476

I'd love to see if it could make sense to co-organize / collaborate. If not, I'd love to try and join the meetings / discussion.


MarieVC (social.coop/@MarieVC) Wed 24 Jul 2024 6:56AM

@semturan Oh that's cool, because the schedule is more accessible for me, on this side of the pond (Luxembourg). Thanks for sharing!


Nigini Oliveira Wed 17 Jul 2024 4:38PM

Awesome. I did not even know it existed! Thanks for the call! :)


Luke Opperman Thu 18 Jul 2024 12:58PM

Thanks C, hope to sometimes be able to join in, have been enjoying a few ad hoc book discussions lately! Sem, your group and list looks good too - finding a single meeting time is always tough for larger groups, so even if a couple different groups and times are going on it would be nice to sometimes overlap and read the same book and cross-pollinate. I'll look for Fridays later in the fall that may work for me, but looks like i can't join for a month or two.


Dynamic Thu 18 Jul 2024 11:17PM

I am very confused what this is about.


Billy Smith Fri 19 Jul 2024 2:26AM

@Dynamic It's a reading group. :D

The participants choose to read the same book, and meet up socially to talk about the ideas in there. :D

It's one way to bounce idea off of each other. :D


Dynamic Fri 30 Aug 2024 11:13AM

@Billy Smith

From the post, it sounds like the reading group has existed for some time, and that social.coop members are expected to know about it, but it is the first I heard of it, and I found this confusing.


Billy Smith Sat 31 Aug 2024 3:49AM

@DynamicThis thread was the first that i heard about it as well :D

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