Address of dwelling
Dwelling address is a statutory requirement of the New Zealand census and indicates where all dwellings are located.
Our current recommendations relating to dwelling address
The collection of information on dwelling address is required by law under the Statistics Act 1975, so this information must be collected in the census.
No change is recommended for dwelling address.
See our preliminary view of 2018 Census content (page 18) for a more detailed discussion on address of dwelling information.
Frances Horton Mon 8 Jun 2015 2:17PM
Thanks Kim, whoar that's an expert response!
I apologise if I've asked too many basic questions.
I'm only a member of the public and I react as I'm sure many ordinary people do.
We simply don't know the infrastructure around many everyday things. I've learned so much from reading your comments. I had no idea about our addresses - thanks for the enlightenment.
I had no idea whether I did or didn't own my address [no property rights in a view, nor an address it seems!], although I do know that if I want to prove my ownership of my land, I can seek my title registered at Land Information.
Agree with your comment about UK postcodes.
Thanks again!
Over and out.
Kim Ollivier · Sun 7 Jun 2015 9:32PM
@franceshorton "However, is it the purpose and intention of Census to capture every single person present in every single dwelling nationwide? "
Yes it is! That is exactly what the census aims to do. Not that it is published like that, it is aggregated into meshblocks and higher groups to preserve anonymity for the general public, but behind the scenes this detail is required to accurately compare time series for population changes. If it doesn't then it will become ineffective as a survey compared with all the other databases. I am sure that Google and Facebook already has a better list of individuals that are signed up, but that is not quite everyone, especially the ones that NGO's want to help.
I don't see the difference between entering a text based address and picking a point on a map to identify the address. We all do it happily now for Google Maps every time we plan a trip. You would only see your own address and workplace.
Informed consent for an address?
That is a strange concept for a geographer because we do not consider that the person 'owns' the address in the first place, it is allocated by the council and is only a coordinate along a public road. Some things must be public knowledge, how could you prove that you owned a property unless others could verify it from a list?
The Torrens system is for titles, not survey parcels and also there is no reference to an address in either, that was invented by postal authorities and is still the only one recognised. Did you notice that your electoral voting postcard had no postcode? The Post Office decided town names when there were duplicates. I am not interested in what some people use for a suburb. Certainly we can have a lookup to fix any ill-informed aliases, but there should only be one suburb name for a given address in every address database. Wellington City has gazetted the boundaries and the only valid name after extensive consultation.
The trouble is that NZ has 'weak zoning' compared to the UK postcodes that work like a suburb name which nobody can make up.