Board Meeting June 14 2018 Draft Agenda
Draft Agenda for OSMUK Board Meeting June 14 2018
1. Agree Chair
2. Welcome Jez as new Director
3. Minutes of last meeting
4. Matter arising not already on agenda
5. Feedback from AGM
6. Feedback from GoogleMaps price increase campaign
7. Freelance Roster
8. Strategy for 2018-19
9. Apportion roles: as a minimum for finance, membership, board admin, website, media
10. Membership - agree targets/methods for increasing membership
11. Finance Report
12. Preparation of Draft Budget for 2018-19
13. Enquiries and contacts to/from Board members
14. OSMF Advisory Board Report
15. AOB
RobJN Tue 12 Jun 2018 8:35PM
Can we add to freelance roster to the agenda please.
Gregory Marler (former Director) Thu 14 Jun 2018 7:37PM
Minutes for OSMUK Board Meeting June 14 2018
0. Present
Brian, Rob, Adam, Jez, Gregory
- Agree Chair Rob.
2.Welcome Jez as new Director
Setup on Companies House, Got E-mail Address.
ACTION: Rob to setup Wordpress account.
ACTION: Rob to remove Jon from the board@ mailing list.
3.Minutes of last meeting
3rd May minutes already approved/online. AGM minutes are online.
- Matter arising not already on agenda Wildlife Trusts. Shropshire Wildlife Trust are using drone imagery (informal basis). He's interested in discussing sharing the imagery. Brian to meet with him.
Brian has met with Dr Hussain ?, at Birmingham Uni. They are enthusiastic and use OpenStreetMap a lot. Brian trying to encourage them to get some MSc students to focus on OpenStreetMap projects, but nothing come of it in the past.
ThirdSkin, Brian met with them, and they're now a corporate member. Trying to map the world using sound.
British Library, Brian has copied us on the library. Very supportive, but deposits there are still under copyright. Of interest, is that OSM will need to be digitally deposited.
ACTION: Rob to e-mail OSMF board to update with the discussion we've had.
UK Mapping Festival, might be good to see if someone in London wants to arrange a fringe event.
ACTION: Adam to contact Harry and suggest ideas.
ACTION: Brian to see if he can get a contact for the organisers
Telenav will give us a free dashcam to rent out (Rob has shared news). Greg can pick it up from SotM next month. Rob could give a list of people worth chatting to at SotM.
National Library Scotland (NLS), their 1900s GB map, all words now crowdsourced. Jerry & Nick have done some analysis, there's quite a lot missing in OSM just compared to current local authority data. Nick has created a website mapthefootpaths. Would be good to get some energy behind this, likely the next quarterly project. Footpaths need to be known/registered by 2026 too. There's an NLS event in London on 9th July that would be good for this. Rob and Adam might go. Also been some CC'd contact with NLS and the Rambling Association, that might lead to a conversation.
ACTION: Adam and Rob to co-ordinate & lead on this, which may continue for the coming years.
Feedback from AGM
Had response on Meetup website, some of which were copied into the newsletter. Manchester team are looking at running a 2nd Joy Diversion event.
ACTION: Rob to get in contact with Julian to know about the afternoon group feedback that happened?
ACTION: Brian to send thanks to ODI Manchester from the board.
Could help them with suggestions for the 2nd event, and send them the slidedeck Gregory used.
Side talk about members...
ACTION: Jez to ask & get ball rolling about finding active mappers and KPIs. Greg to help and co-ordinate.Feedback from GoogleMaps price increase campaign
Great page, we've been pointing people to it.
Do we have analytics on the website? Nope. We have analytics on the Twitter account and on Mailchimp.
ACTION: add analytics, to be done when we've decided who is responsible for the website.
SwitchToOSM is managed by people in the UK (by coincidence) but not us, but good to point to.Freelance Roster
Seems people are keen for it to happen, still not clear on how they work.
There's 2 types of lists: public one for people advertising(Rob has been talking about), then an internal one of people that can be approached with specific projects(Adam more used to).
Another angle, that OSM UK could become an approved supplier for local authorities (like Birmingham Council). This would work with the internal list, when we're approached to do work and then subcontract to people. Will need a contract, or template contract, to avoid issues of failed responsibility.
ACTION: Greg to circulate his own T&C to board group.
Suggest we call it something like "Marketplace" or "Directory" to make it better.
ACTION: Rob to start a Google form to collect details of people that would want to be on it.Finance Report
E-mail from Jon "we now have £1,489.40 at the bank. We have liabilities of £40 for Corporation Tax and £15 for the CIC regulator fee"Strategy for 2018-19
Now a year we need to promote ourselves as much as possible (now setup). Identify target audiences. Currently got active Loomio discussion about promotion.
Should commit to an event halfway through the year before AGM, we are all agreed on doing this.
Need to focus on OSM. Talk to businesses about who is using OSM, how to find them?
Could give monthly objectives on things to do. Stick to low-hanging fruit such as open data.
These meetings should be less on detail, keep that more open and off-call, and these can just be overview to check and report.
Can be good to distinguish, talk-gb mailing list to talk about mapping and Loomio to talk about our organisation.
ACTION: Brian to create a draft of strategy, so that we've got that to discuss and work on (not a blank canvas). Keep open to other members, so they can have discussions.
ACTION: Brian to collate all the Geospatial Commission notes from talk-gb etc so we have something to feed to the commission.Apportion roles: as a minimum for finance, membership, board admin, website, media
Gregory to stick with Membership.
Rob to focus on managing website, and asking for content.
Board admin (draw up agenda each month): Adam
Media (main contact & give quotes): Jez
Finance (budgeting & tracking): Brian
Most of these are not limited to board working on them, but have a named board member. More than welcome for people to help us.
Skipped some agenda items due to time, will discuss them outside of the call.
Meeting ended 20:36.
(seemingly I can't manage the formatting any better, but I'll need to convert it for Wordpress anyway)
Adam Hoyle Fri 15 Jun 2018 5:50PM
I agree the minutes.
Now I’ve signed up lead on board admin - can someone confirm the tasks I need to complete, aside from the monthly agenda?
Brian Prangle Thu 12 Jul 2018 6:28PM
I agree the minutes
RobJN Thu 19 Jul 2018 6:37PM
Brian Prangle · Tue 12 Jun 2018 6:20PM
I'm useless at formatting! Why can't Loomio just accept cut and paste text?