Thu 25 Feb 2021 2:25PM

Grammarly tools features and review:

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As denoted by name grammarly is the expert tool that is specialist to examine the mistakes in text like spelling inaccuracy, punctuation or grammar error. Not only that, Grammarly also helps by providing the instructions and guides to correct the spelling. With the guidance of grammarly you can create a flawless and crystal clear note that can certainly build a great impression to the reader. 

Also you do not have to worry about the content or information you have written while correcting it from grammarly because it is encrypted and totally safe to transfer personal data. This tool just focuses to give you the best result by making your notes faultless and able to be understood.  

It is useful for anyone as it has both free and paid plans where under a free plan you are delivered the service of correcting grammar and spelling and in the paid plan you are offered more premium services in exchange for some amount of money. Grammarly has gained a lot of importance at this digital world due to following qualities: 

Highly reliable:

One of the major reasons for the grammarly to get popular is its reliability. It is highly reliable because it is not possible that it makes any mistakes on its correction. But if you want to ensure that there is less error you can also refuse to make the changes given by the app which you feel is the wrong suggestion. The only condition when grammarly makes mistakes and may place the punctuation mistakenly is when your text is vague.

Clear justification of  errors:

Though the Grammarly app is to help you to write your content correctly but to improve your knowledge and understanding it also gives the justification on why certain text is wrong. These justification on errors makes you more informed about the writing components like idiom, punctuation, glossary, etc which not only assist you to make your content flawless but also makes you a more knowledgeable and proficient writer that after some point you may not require this app to correct your errors.

Immediate correction:

Under the amazing qualities of grammarly, immediate correction of text is the one which guides the writer at the actual time of writing notes. This feature helps to make the text correct by saving the time and effort of the writer. In this app writers are provided with the actual guidance on their mistakes instantly when they make it and they can do the correction in between. They don't have to read through the whole text and click on each mistake because grammarly does it for you. 

Gives a lot more privilege :

In grammarly the one who has upgraded to a premium plan can receive a lot more privileges for better content creation like a facility of boosting vocabulary where you are provided with the benefit of substituting the difficult words with understandable words so that the reader can understand the message you are trying to convey and your content becomes powerful. Also it has the plagiarism tool that makes your notes extra and unique by checking your content thoroughly to ensure that the sentence of the content is not similar with the other writings that are on the internet.

Can customize the settings:

Grammarly a customizable app where one can conveniently adjust and personalize the settings as per their requirement. Almost every factor can be personalized for the ease like adding abbreviations and brands, selecting the language, adding recently developed words which are not in the dictionary and which you need to include in your content often like slangs. It is easy to include the words in the dictionary of grammarly in a few clicks and after you add them it does not appear for correction every time you include them in your content.