Fri 27 Nov 2020 7:36AM

Easy Image Embeds (Wysiwyg/Markdown)

ST Stacco Troncoso Public Seen by 153

Previous threads


So yeah, I'm a markdown refugee. I appreciate that Wysiwyg can be easier for most folks but, unless I'm missing something why can users embed YouTube videos but not images in Wysiwyg. As a very visually oriented project, this is really creating problems for DisCO.coop.

The Markdown-savvy group knows how to embed, but other peeps would really appreciate image embeds in wysiwyg. Am I missing something here?

And here's a cat. On a computer:


Robert Guthrie Fri 27 Nov 2020 7:49PM

Hi @Stacco Troncoso you can drag and drop or copy and paste images in WYSIWYG mode. I'll an an embed image button for people who don't know this magic this weekend.


Robert Guthrie Fri 27 Nov 2020 7:51PM

Thanks for trying to do some research on the topic, but I don't think either of those previous links are related to this issue (and both have been resolved)


david rayner Sun 29 Nov 2020 11:21AM

so true...my group will have to enjoy this...