Wed 22 Feb 2023 1:39PM

Funding Ideas

EJ Ellen Jorgensen Public Seen by 96

Small grants and private donations have always been helpful in keeping community lab spaces such as BwoB alive. In the past we have survived on a combination of membership dues, class revenue and the occasional grant/donation. I am starting this thread to gather ideas from the community specifically for raising cash (not donations of supplies or services) since the overwhelmingly major expense is the rent on the space. So if you know of any discretionary funding, small grants, or folks who might be passionate about the existence of a community lab in Queens please list them here. It would be extraordinarily helpful as we go forward, and greatly appreciated!


j sinopoli Tue 28 Feb 2023 3:15AM

or list charities known to give grants to community science non profits, funding which can be used to purchase innovative environmental testing technology

maybe BwoB could apply to the NY Community Trust? https://www.nycommunitytrust.org/information-for/for-nonprofits/what-the-trust-funds/


j sinopoli Thu 2 Mar 2023 3:10PM

speaking of corporate money, from an environmental polluter-pays standpoint, there are also lobbyists for the Responsible Parties for Newtown Creek's Superfund always looking to donate money to local organizations, as well they should, so long as they are not censoring the outcomes of any environmental science research


Ellen Jorgensen Thu 2 Mar 2023 5:25PM

@j sinopoli I'd love to have a longer conversation with you on these ideas. Can we chat sometime?


j sinopoli Fri 3 Mar 2023 8:13PM

@Ellen Jorgensen sure, maybe sometime the weekend or early next week?


Ellen Jorgensen Sat 4 Mar 2023 2:49PM

@j sinopoli later today or tomorrow afternoon would be good. Actually are you local? I'll be at BwoB tomorrow, mentoring some students from 10-1PM so maybe we can chat after?


j sinopoli Sat 4 Mar 2023 2:58PM

@Ellen Jorgensen sure that's perfect, much easier in person. I can come tomorrow at 1pm

Item removed


Sally Kong Mon 1 Apr 2024 10:56PM

Learned about this and thought it would be of interest for existing or brewing projects! https://experiment.com/grants/communitybio


Danny Tue 2 Apr 2024 1:32PM

@Sally Kong Thanks for sharing! I heard this was coming down the pipe and it's a great opportunity.


Yuriy Fazylov Wed 12 Jun 2024 6:29PM

I am not too sure how this works but any NPO is welcome to fundraise with https://rainbarrel.ca/.

not a lot of people realize they need rainwater until they get confronted with the water bill.