Mon 23 Nov 2020 1:45PM

Proposal: Media and Marketing Partnership with Bloom

D Dani Public Seen by 24

Giveth needs support with external communications through Social Media and Marketing Promotion!

We don't have a communications lead or enough hours within the current team to deliver the messaging of what we are up to and how to get involved at this important time of the year when we have grants and other fundraising opportunities to capitalize upon.

Currently social media falls within Dani's scope as Community & Governance steward. But I (Dani) only have 25 hours per week to contribute and am picking up other facilitation tasks relating to Governance for our DAO Roadmap and deliverables and need to relinquish this activity to someone who can do it better than me :)

Bloom Network is also spinning up a DAO, has deep social media and marketing experience and would like to support us in a membership partnership. Please review the following proposal and provide your comments, change suggestions, or alternate recommendations.

I'd like to schedule a vote on this by WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25th to decide so we can commence with Block (Black) Friday posts!

Project Proposed

Giveth November 18, 2020


Support Giveth’s year end fundraising by creating and circulating media content on social media and to strategic partners and individuals. This will be a first example of Bloom Network’s marketing offering to member organizations.

Scope of Work

  • End of year social media campaign for donations to Giveth. Highlights the great things we’re doing and building. Strategy and content delivery. Content will include:

  • Total of ___ posts per week to Giveth’s Twitter (other channels you use?), and two posts per month retweeted through Bloom Network’s social channels.

  • Announcing Giveth DAO and its token.

  • Sharing Giveth’s Gitcoin grant.

  • Communicating Giveth’s mutually supportive ethos.

  • Produce and publish a social media chat with relevant info happening that’s supportive of our networks.

  • Livestream or recorded session on the process of setting up a DAO.

  • Circulate Giveth-created templates for starting a DAO.

  • Blog post summarizing all of these offerings, to be posted on both Giveth’s Medium and Bloom Network’s website to further amplify the message, invite participation and contribution to Giveth.

  • Newsletter blurb for Giveth and Bloom newsletters, and any willing partners.

Additional Deliverables

Giveth will share brand guidelines and writing standards with the Bloom team so our team can craft content to spec. Giveth will also share a list of organizations and individuals who should be tagged on social posts, as likely donors and supporters of the project.

Bloom Network will give Giveth organizational membership to Bloom Network, and list Giveth on our organizational members page (to be created). At the completion of this set of work, we will touch base to determine ongoing membership (it’s usually $20 or more per month for an organization without the custom marketing support).


$750 Contribution to Bloom from Giveth (member rate)

5-10 hours of labor per week by Bloom for Giveth (estimated)


Through December 31, 2020



Dani Fri 27 Nov 2020 1:04PM

Proposal reviewed and approved with no objections in Governance Meeting 11/23 per Minutes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w3lhXNBrE-hQLMebE8kC0jqocjrjJ435XL9vm5bDF7M/edit#


Poll Created Fri 27 Nov 2020 1:07PM

Let's sign the Marketing Partnership with Bloom Network for Social Media collaboration. Closed Sat 28 Nov 2020 1:03PM

by Dani Sun 29 Nov 2020 2:59PM

Dani will sign contract and share info to Magenta at Bloom including Giveth Twitter details.

Here's the contract as reviewed and discussed in Giveth Governance Meeting 11/23: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ySnBrbaZk6QKw0NzUOmP1Rc7bMEC7dOw-nk_cnGOPpI/edit


Results Option % of points Voters
Consent 100.0% 3 D BF WO
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Objection 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 3 GG K MP

3 of 6 people have participated (50%)


Fri 27 Nov 2020 1:07PM

This is a substantial contribution for the value for our end of year social media fundraising efforts, and builds relationships for DAO to DAO partnership exchange and mutual support with Bloom for media and Aragon for DAO implementation.


Willy Ogorzaly
Fri 27 Nov 2020 1:10PM

This next month is an important month for us to be active on social media, and Bloom seems well equipped to make this happen for us.


Benjamin Fenigsohn
Fri 27 Nov 2020 1:10PM

It's a good bargain. Too important for the community to do ourselves. And we'll probably make it back in donations!