GA General Meeting Minutes - June 2nd
GA General Meeting - Tue 2/06/2015
Present: AnnMarie Clay, Katy Gregg, Luke Tilley, Rachael Mott
Carried over Action Points:
• make clear signs outside coop
• update handbook
• set up and run social media pages
• come up with a GA political aim/ethic for constitution (Luke & Marcel)
• organise more socials
• organise monthly GMs
(many missing – will update from AGM minutes)
Format of meeting minutes
o Discussed creating a standard structure for minutes and putting them up in the coop
AP: Luke to find template
Allotment meeting feedback
o The group had some GIAG ideas:
• container growing,
• going to allotment (for a picnic? could serve hot food there which isn't so easy at the union - could also tie in with 'local food' theme)
o Ideas for Freshers' Fair activities:
• whittling,
• carving,
• going to allotment (see above),
• lunchtime sessions at allotment
• games to engage passers-by (spinning a wheel to taste a food? guess the origin of a food?)
• posters
• mailing list sign up/social media stuff
• details of upcoming events and social/induction (social could be at Wharf Chambers?)
• Seeds For Change Consensus workshop
Action point: Put in diary - meeting to discuss post Freshers' Fair social/induction, to make posters, flyers and displays, decide on dates for coop induction and to plan other start of term stuff: Sat 19th Sept
Use of technology
• discussed the possibility of a Facebook page and the fact that it would be for posting information rather than discussion, and that we could have one for the coop and one for the allotment
• Could post relevant articles and events and share ideas,
• 'Pinning' a post with a link to the previously proposed/discussed Google docs timetable for the coop might help to increase volunteering and organisation
• For people who object to the use of Facebook/don't use it, a newsletter via email every 2 weeks
• Would help to reduce barriers to access before freshers' week
• These above ideas constitute a proposal which will be approved or refused.
Action Point: If nobody objects to this before the next meeting, we can pass this proposal.
Action point: discuss, if passed, whether the allotment and food hub would have separate pages.
LUU Little House
• Sustainability & Green Exchange has given £2000 to refurb the LUU Little House into a sustainability hub
Email, MailChimp
• Responsibility for email ( needs to be handed over to new people as AnnMarie has finished her degree
• We need to give Lembas alternative contacts
Action point: Attendees of this meeting have login details for this email acct and Mailchimp - if you're interested in running it, please contact them
Green Action Revolution
• I've been asked to include the link to the 'Green Action Revolution' document from Google docs but can't find it - if anyone could give me a pointer that'd be great - I'll edit it into the document!
Action point: Rachael - attach this document to minutes
Action point: Everyone - update calendar and add notes about what we've done