Tue 11 Jul 2023 3:52PM
Design Options
Judy Colby-George
Seen by 62
If the town were to allow greater density of development, what steps would ensure that the development maintained the character of the community?
Tom Murley · Tue 11 Jul 2023 6:51PM
I lived in Europe for nearly 20 years and i think that instead of focusing “maintaining character” we should be forward looking. Maintaining character as a lens can allow all sorts of objections to development. Is character people? Architectural? Socio-Economic?
i recommend people look at some of the things in Scandinavia, such as this award winning 66 unit project in Denmark which i could see at the landfill overlooking Town Farm https://architizer.com/blog/practice/details/big-dortheavej-residence/amp/
Or this urban village project
I think anither Maxwell woods type of development goes in the wrong direction and is backward looking
I also suggest that people drive by the new Piper Shores “Meadows” and see how attractive a larger modern apartment building can be
Time for a bold statement that is forward looking