
Call for collaboration: Report on University Training in SE in Europe and Latina America

IS ICBEC Secretariat Public Seen by 47


We're happy to share this opportunity for collaboration. You can find more information in the text below.

CIRIEC-Spain is lauching a call to academic institutions in Europe and Latin America to collaborate in the preparation of the "Report on University Training in SE in Europe and Latin America", developed within the Erasmus+ EEE3S+ project.

The aim is to collect, highlight and analyse regulated university education and teaching methodologies used in Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, Social Economy and related disciplines, including cooperatives, social innovation, solidarity economy, impact business, and social impact, among others.

The study results will be crucial for developing more effective educational programmes and creating international collaboration networks in the Social Economy field.

To participate, simply complete the questionnaire before 15 December 2024. The form is available in several languages for your convenience.

Access the questionnaire here: Erasmus | CIRIEC-España