Wed 3 Oct 2018 6:39PM

Adding people to the Reviewers list and future management of Reviewers list on Dapp

L Lindsay Public Seen by 210

We will need on-going management of the Dapp Reviewers list as our community changes and grows.
This proposal is to add Loie, Danibelle and Parker_Williams to the reviewers list now and to discuss the future process of adding and subtracting non-active members in the future.

Please add comments and if you agree to add these 3 members to the list. Also, add any names you would like to see added.


Lindsay Wed 3 Oct 2018 6:41PM

I vote to add them to the reviewers list immediately. I believe they will add important feedback as we change the Reward DAO campaign and process.


Loie Wed 3 Oct 2018 6:54PM

I agree that we should have a system for removing inactive reviewers, esp as we have more and more users onboarded to the DApp who won't know to choose carefully and will just choose a reviewer from the list at random. I think the Roles Sheet/meeting process has a good answer for situations like this: when someone becomes inactive in their role, people will give them low votes on their fulfillment of that specific role and if after so many times there is a lasting pattern of low votes, then they can get removed from that role. This doesn't necessarily need to exist within the roles sheet (maybe not all reviewers are on giveth roles doc/in meeting) but a system like this i think would work here.


Bowen Sanders Wed 3 Oct 2018 7:16PM

I too am in favor of the addition.


Parker Williams Wed 3 Oct 2018 9:10PM

Not sure if my vote count's as I am one of the people up to be added to the list but I"m also in favor of the addition for what it's worth.


Kay Thu 4 Oct 2018 2:58PM

I am all for adding our new members here as Reviewers.
Almost more important to me is the aspect of losing the reviewer role. We really need an evaluation process and measures for dropping inactive people off the reviewer's list


Kris is Thu 4 Oct 2018 3:46PM

ok for me - can we please also take people out who don't do reviews so that new unicorns are not confused? As mentioned before it seems logical to me that we randomize the assign process of reviewing again - otherwise you can get biased reviews. But if there's no consensus on this, this can be part of another loomio.