
The Future of the National Forest Gardening Scheme: Next steps

NBJ Nickie Bartlett / Jakeman Public Seen by 142

We have made great strides over the last few years, bringing forest gardening to many many people. It no longer feels like a niche activity, which is a great success! However, our small group of directors is finding it increasingly challenging to meet the administration needs of an independent National Forest Gardening Scheme e.g. running the website, sorting out the accounts etc. Earlier this year we dissolved the Community Interest Company and closed the bank account. The small amount of funds were given to the Permaculture Association, in line with our Articles of Association. We would like to be able to move forwards, and feel we need a fresh start to be able to focus on delivering the objectives of the NFGS.

To promote and advance Forest Gardening in the UK and beyond

To inspire communities with a fresh approach to growing and eating

To protect and enhance accessible green space

To do this in a way that improves soil health, uses resources responsibly and efficiently, and increases biodiversity.

To explore the impact of forest gardens, and how they are gardened, on well-being

To explore the potential of these spaces as outdoor classrooms

To provide a model for community action that advances Sustainable Development Goals

To contribute to wider debates around practices that support greater food sovereignty

With this in mind we have been looking for an umbrella organisation that aligns with our objectives, which could support us with their infrastructure. An organisation where the NFGS could sit as a work stream.

This year the Permaculture Association is focusing on Forest Gardening and we have tentatively approached them to explore the possibility of an 18 month trial period as one of their work streams. We would aim to retain loomio, our facebook page, and the content of the website. We would also envisage being able to continue with our story harvesting project which has been our focus for this year.

Before we take this work forwards we would appreciate the input of you, our members. We would welcome your feedback and comments on the proposal and also any alternative suggestions. Please post here.

We will also be having an open discussion meeting on zoom at 8pm for an hour on Monday 20th September. The link will be posted here.


Nickie Bartlett / Jakeman Mon 14 Nov 2022 6:21PM

Minutes from open meeting attached


Nickie Bartlett / Jakeman Tue 1 Nov 2022 1:30PM

Thank you to all those who joined us for our open meeting. We reached consensus that we will pursue a trial of joint membership with the Permaculture Association. (The minutes will be posted here in due course)

With that in mind, we will be holding an open strategy meeting Nov 16th 1900-2030 via zoom. The link will be posted on Loomio nearer the time.


Nickie Bartlett / Jakeman Sat 8 Oct 2022 10:13AM

Zoom link for open meeting on Wednesday 12th October 7-8pm

Nickie is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: National Forest gardening Scheme Open Meeting

Time: Oct 12, 2022 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 849 0367 7059

Passcode: 783999


Nickie Bartlett / Jakeman Sat 24 Sep 2022 9:31AM

Open meeting date, time and agenda:

12th October 7pm


1. History and impact

2. Current position: CIC disbanded

3. Options going forward: Recommendation for a trial period with permaculture association.

Report back from Permaculture Association Convergence.

Zoom link will posted here closer to the date.


Jane Lesley Morris Tue 20 Sep 2022 1:10PM

Could we meet on Wednesday 12th October. Would that evening suit all who wish to attend?


Jane Lesley Morris Tue 20 Sep 2022 1:09PM

Yes, indeed: the more we can collaborate, the better. I hope the ‘Forest Garden in a Box’ designs are applicable to support 'simple' Forest Garden toolkits for schools and evolve to include more repeatable patterns of plants. As you develop the schools programme for Wild East and other work with schools please consider using what we have done so far (Tomas & Kath started this off for us) - How to do these things with(in) PAB will be part of our discussion at the NFGS open meeting


Jo Barker Mon 19 Sep 2022 6:54PM

Thats sounds great Kate. I have been working on something to do with schools. Looking for a repeatable pattern of plants. Maybe we could have a chat. I am at futurefoodforests@gmail.com


Nickie Bartlett / Jakeman Wed 14 Sep 2022 8:37AM

Following the death of her Majesty the Queen, and the bank holiday on Monday, we have decided to postpone our open meeting scheduled for Monday evening. A new date will be release shortly.


Tomas Remiarz Fri 26 Aug 2022 10:56AM

I'm happy to help with the transition in whatever way I can.


Antony Melvile Mon 22 Aug 2022 11:29AM

Its' good to have the excellent objectives set out here. Folding into the Permaculture Association could be a fertile place to be planted.


Kate Jackson Mon 15 Aug 2022 10:36AM

I think the more we can collaborate, the better. I also understand the strains of running small organisations. On this note, if anyone has any resources or wants to support me with a 'simple' Forest Garden toolkit for schools, I'm creating a schools programme for Wild East based on forest gardens. My email is kate@wildeast.co.uk Even just suggestions as to your top plants that should be in every school grounds would be amazing!


Daniel Scharf Thu 11 Aug 2022 8:35PM

I fully understand the administrative burden of even small
organsations. Very sad to see it lose any profile for NFGS but as a
very passive member I can't complain and the Permaculture Association
might have more and stronger legs.
