
Diaspora* "Post Killer Button" | Tidy up servers and give users control

DU Thomas Leister Public Seen by 99


In every social network I've ever used there is something missing: A post kill button. You can delete every single post, but what about deleting all my posts of the past year(s)?

Wouldn't it be great if you had the possibility to define a timespan like 2011-2013 and just hit the "Kill" Button and all your Posts and Photos created in this time were deleted from the servers?

We are always collecting data. Gigabyte after gigabyte, but do not think about the relevance of the posts. We could save tons of resources just by deleting stuff nobody needs anymore. Social network posts have an extremely short lifetime. Why should we have so much trash on our pods?

The second point is: Personalities change. You change your opinion, your attitude... maybe you do not want to have posts on the internet which express your identity of the past?

It would be awesome if Diaspora* was the first social network in which you are able to erase your past and tidy up your profile, as well as tidying up the servers. Every user should have the chance to select a certain timespan and delete the content generated at this time.

In conclusion a killer button would help to:
- Free resources on the servers
- Give People control
- Delete content of the past

This is a feature, which I think people want to have. I would like to have it, too ;) It would make Diaspora* stand out of the big crowd of social networks.

Users want to have control. Give them control.


Fri 28 Mar 2014 8:34AM

While a great suggestion, it is hard to realize with posts spread to other networks (which is the whole point of decentralized social media, right?).


Fri 28 Mar 2014 9:19AM

I can take it or leave it. A feature like this is not something I would personally use but I can see other people using something like this so I'll abstain on this one.


Trolli Schmittlauch
Fri 28 Mar 2014 3:15PM

Deleting posts isn't working reliable in decentral social networks. So we shouldn't create the illusion of being able to do a big clean-up


Alexander Uvizhev
Mon 31 Mar 2014 6:41PM

see my comment


Sat 5 Apr 2014 7:46PM

see Trolli Schmittlauchs comment


Wed 9 Apr 2014 12:39PM

Good idea. To select a whole aspect would be nice too.


[email protected]
Sun 20 Apr 2014 5:19PM

I agree Decisions later I forget you said it but I read a review of a GNU/Linux distribution and the reporter stated you can tell that these people gave you every conceivable option. I liked that.


Frode Lindeijer
Mon 21 Apr 2014 10:19PM

I think this would be a great feature if the posts would get a placeholder stating the post date, something like "post deleted by user" and maybe the user's name. This to avoid confusion about replies.
Some users may want to auto-delete old posts.


Tue 22 Apr 2014 3:02PM

This is a use case rare enough to use DELETE queries on the DB to deal with that. If you don't have access to the DB of your pod and don't know the podmin enough to ask that, you're dealing with diaspora* the wrong way.


Thomas Leister Fri 28 Mar 2014 6:28AM

@karthikeyanak I'd like that, too. :)


Rasmus Fuhse Fri 28 Mar 2014 8:39AM

Are you just wanting that feature or are you going to implement it?


Thomas Leister Fri 28 Mar 2014 1:21PM

@rasmusfuhse it's just an idea of mine, but I'm not able do code it. :-/

But I guess it's not too hard to implement?


Rasmus Fuhse Fri 28 Mar 2014 1:29PM

Okay. But then your proposal is nearly useless. I mean, it's great to gather ideas and create concepts. But we don't want to use loom.io as a wiki, but as a decision-tool. So most of the times a proposal here is asking which way diaspora should go. So if your proposal is going to get accepted here all it says is: if someday someone is going to implement this feature, the pullrequest should not be rejected with the reason that some other one thinks the feature is useless. But this usually doesn't happen - may there be a decision about it or not.


Rasmus Fuhse Fri 28 Mar 2014 1:35PM

By the way, we have a wishlist thread. Goob is the man for the big vision here and he started the wishlist: https://www.loomio.org/d/VMg5HlpZ/diaspora-the-next-12-months


Trolli Schmittlauch Fri 28 Mar 2014 3:14PM

Deletin posts in decentralized social networks is quite complicated: How can you know whether other pods actually delete posts when being asked to do so by other pods via federation? As Diaspora is open source it'll always be possible to get the source, comment out the deletion code and collect posts.

As deltion doesn't even work reliable for single posts, we shouldn't implement a "post killer" button which makes people feel safe when they aren't


Flaburgan Fri 28 Mar 2014 3:19PM

@thomasl I guess only a few person would be against adding a feature. The problem is, who is going to implement it? It's not about "it is not hard to do it", it's about the fact that we all are volunteers and have very few time to work on diaspora. So request a feature is useless, we need people to implement it, not ideas.


Alexander Uvizhev Mon 31 Mar 2014 6:44PM

This is a good tool to lost sensitive data. Suppose that before pushing this button any normal user will walk through all the posts in a desired period to examine if he wouldn't delete any good stuff. For those who don't have a good posts I'd suggest an option in settings to delete old posts automatically.


Ryuno-Ki Mon 31 Mar 2014 8:03PM

@thomasl I'm against deleting reshared posts as well. It could lead to confusion.

I'm loving reading old posts, too. But I can understand your point. But as stated above by others, I consider it rather complicated …


[email protected] Sun 20 Apr 2014 5:28PM

@trollischmittlauch maybe some type of user image of code that compares it to the pod your on as regards to options available. or a podupti link and addition of a features available to the podupti list of pods.

As far as post killing. other's add comments to a post and maybe liked their comments on a post.

So we could add a general description saver that with added effort anybody could fill out once then maybe a process of sticking with a post definition after whichever process of social collaboration.

This general description saver either creates a community user which is showed to have made the previous statement of a real person. Say when I delete a post then John Do is now the new poster.

or else if it's like a article or picture a generalization box cold be put in its place saying "it was a picture with these qualities" or " it was an article with these qualities" Then the comments could still relate to it.


[email protected] Sun 20 Apr 2014 5:33PM

Agreeing on the New Diaspora Community Post Attribution re-licensed to Avatar would be the new and edgy social media thing. Could be done Diaspora whole or Pod specific


[email protected] Sun 20 Apr 2014 5:42PM

Using a regex code;
we could turn all comments contained within the deleted post that refer to the original poster by name to turn into @JohnDo or whatever the community post reattribution avatars name is agreed too.


[email protected] Sun 20 Apr 2014 5:45PM

of course we'd have to make sure it covers and comments where the posters name was mentioned in the forms of; # , @ , markdown possibilities like , or just regular type like this


[email protected] Sun 20 Apr 2014 5:51PM

Tidying up the servers could include options of html 5 browser data holding and serving so users can save certain posts to their own computer and serve them only when their online?