Sat 15 Apr 2017 9:19PM

Welcome! About "PROJECT Gamification & Visualisation"

R RobJN Public Seen by 62


The aim

Make adding data as fun as it originally was with roads (no no small task then!!)

How we got here

When OpenStreetMap started with a blank canvas it was easy to see the gaps. Now you have to scratch deeper until you find missing data and this missing data is generally seen to be of lower value than e.g. roads.

Some solutions

These possible solutions came out of our first in-person meeting.

1. Feedback & reward

The initial visual feedback reward was the standard map display. Seeing this go from empty to a road map was amazing. As the map has filled up the visual feedback has become less obvious.

  • How else can we provide visual feedback and/or rewards in order to put the buzz back in to mapping?

2. Making contributing fun(ner)

Surveying is an outdoors activity but data entry often relies on desktops or laptops. With mobile platforms what new options are available to us?

  • We have a separate project looking at basic apps. Best to keep to app ideas to that project.

3. Show a "crap map"

This relates to the feedback & reward idea above but instead of showing feedback when something is done the aim here is to make it more obvious what needs doing. A "crap map" if you like.

  • How can we better show what still needs doing in your local area? Could we better utilise the OSM Notes feature but make it more visual?

Sun 30 Apr 2017 4:45PM

I'm in (obviously!)


Robert Whittaker Tue 2 May 2017 7:46AM

I'm in too.

On areas for a visualusation, I don't think it is just population size (as a surrogate for number of mappable objects) that we should consider. The physical size of an area will also affect the ease in which it can be mapped.

I am not convinced that parliamentary constituencies are well enough known to be a suitable geometry. Local government districts might be preferable to them. But in general I prefer postcode boundaries, since the sizes are generally sensible and anything with an address is easily assignable to the right area.


Andreas Thu 4 May 2017 9:40AM

Hey @robjn . I am the developer of the new kort mobile app which is completely rewritten with React Native. The idea of the Kort game is to present the user missions nearby. These can be as easy as completing missing restaurant type information. For a full list check
New mission types such as opening hours should also be available. In order to motivate the users, gamification elements such as rewards, achievements and highscore lists are presented.
The kort backend provides the client app with new missions nearby. It is also currently rewritten. As an 'error feed' the following sources are planned to be integrated:
- KeepRight
- Overpass

It should be possible to integrate your error feed, as long as the mission types are kept simple (e.g. there is no way of editing geometries).
When a certain amount of equal answers are delivered to the backend, these answers would be automatically registered on OSM.

A preview version should be available in June.


RobJN Thu 4 May 2017 12:39PM

Hi @andreas23. Thanks for getting in touch - the app sounds great.

Yeah, we'd use simple tasks only. Do you know if it will be possible to show/hide some error feeds so as to keep it simple? I look forward to June.


Andreas Thu 4 May 2017 5:00PM

If I understand you correctly, you like to have the possibility to filter missions by their error source? It is not yet defined whether or not this is possible.


RobJN Sat 6 May 2017 6:35PM

@andreas23 Yes, filtering by mission (or a group of missions) would be great.

@robertwhittaker Thanks. I will leave it to the end of the proposal period to give others a chance to state whether they want to help or not. After that let's get cracking on this :-)

Re: regions. Yes lots of different things at play here. Given that the data we have will be nodal perhaps we can have multiple visualisations??


Brian Prangle Sun 10 Dec 2017 2:45PM

Not much seems to have happened here. Is there work progressing elsewhere? I ask because Streak, by Ilya Zverev might prove to be something we can promote more or less immediately. Maybe it would be nice to have a UK version confined to data for the UK


RobJN Wed 13 Dec 2017 7:50PM

I like this and agree with Brian in that we should adopt and adapt. No major adaption required, just the wording of (and selection of tasks). I don’t think we should overcomplicate the system by forcing for the edit to be in the UK. Although we prefer people to map in the UK this is not an exclusive – the main thing is that we inspire mappers living in the UK.


Chris Andrew Sun 10 Feb 2019 8:18PM

Gamification of Footpaths:

Wasn't sure where to put this entry, so if moderated, please feel free to move it.
I live in Wiltshire, and when out walking, often see public footpaths that have fallen into disuse, and at risk of being lost, all together.

Using OS/ OSM data, I wonder whether lesser used footpaths could be revived, and UK (and beyond?) users encouraged to use paths, for health benefits. Essentially, I was thinking that this could be game-ified by users scoring points for using footpaths, and more points for treading a less used path. An additional benefit would be that OS/ OSM would gain updated tracks for mapping and statistical usage.

Do you know whether any one has looked at this idea?

Many thanks,



Steven Horner Sun 10 Feb 2019 8:55PM

Sounds like an excellent idea, I have sort of being doing this without the app gamification, either drawing expanding circles around where I live or walking every PRoW in a grid square.

I have been using StreetComplete on my phone a lot recently as well to help fill in things like road surfaces, speed limits etc which becomes addictive.

Being able to combine the 2 somehow would be fantastic.

Love the suggestion, just wish I had the skill to code an app to do it.

Sort of related I wish StreetComplete would allow me to fill in footpaths at the side of the road, sidewalks as Americans would call them. It already has the ability to tag cycle lanes, would think it would be easy to add sidewalks in the same way.



Chris Andrew Mon 11 Feb 2019 10:36AM

Thanks, Steve.

'wish StreetComplete would allow me to fill in footpaths at the side of the road'

Strangely, I got the new StreetComplete beta last night, and it included this feature :-)


Steven Horner Mon 11 Feb 2019 1:28PM

Me too, noticed it about 30 minutes after I sent that email. If only the PRoW footpath ability could be added as fast ;-)