
Nomination Process for Locally Endorsed Candidates

BCG Baltimore City Greens Public Seen by 13

Tim Willard and Andy Ellis were tasked by the CC with coming up with a process for locally endorsed candidates to be nominated by the MGP-CC.

The following proposal is the final revision of that policy.

It provides 48 hours for an objection to be raised to a local nomination and then provides the cc 5 days to resolve that.

If there are no objections, local endorsements are assumed to be nominated.

Special Considerations

This proposal should be subject to the conflict of interest policy passed by the CC in June of 2019.

That policy, available here specifies:

In all decisions of the Maryland Green Party Coordinating Council (MGP-CC) involving procedures for the nomination of a candidate for public office; allocation of funds for candidates seeking the nomination of the Maryland Green Party or nominees of the Maryland Green Party; or the allocation of other material resources to candidates or nominees of the Maryland Green Party ("material resources" include, but are not limited to, promotion, endorsement, or assignment of staff or volunteer time) individuals will be required to inform the MGP-CC of any circumstances that create a conflict of interest and are strongly encouraged to recuse themselves from such decisions.

MGP-CC members recusing themselves from a decision shall cast a vote of "abstain", and their abstention shall be considered as a vote for purposes of determining quorum


The following circumstances shall be deemed to a create a "conflict of interest":

-an MGP-CC member who is a candidate for public office;


-an MGP-CC member serving in an unpaid capacity as a director, officer, associate, trustee, personal representative, receiver, or other legal representative of, or consultant to any candidate for public office who may benefit materially or strategically from a decision made by the MGP-CC


Poll Created Sat 2 Jul 2022 12:19AM

Procedure for nominating local endorsements Closed Wed 6 Jul 2022 12:04AM

Candidates must have a declaration of intent filed as a green party candidate. 

Local Requests for nomination should be submitted to the co-chairs and the mgp-cc listserv. 

The CC should provide approval to all requests for nomination within 7 days of receipt. 

Any CC member may object to a nomination based on the extenuating circumstances outlined in the MGP Candidate Nomination procedures, they must do so within 48 hours of notification and the objection request must be in writing.

If a CC member has questions about the fairness of the local process the local should reply to reasonable requests for information

The CC has 5 days following an objection to render a decision on a motion to reject. 

A ⅔ vote of the cc is needed to reject a nomination request

A motion to reject can include the ability of the local to resubmit, or can be final and must be specified in the proposal to reject

Local nomination request must be submitted by 8:00 PM July 22nd

If there is no objection to a local’s nomination request , then the candidate shall be nominated.

The legally designated chair and the secretary should sign the Certificate of Nomination for Non Principal parties within 48 hours of CC approval 


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 71.4% 5 TWM MTR RDB RT BCG
Abstain 14.3% 1 CMW
Disagree 14.3% 1 NWD
Undecided 0% 4 BB MGP

7 of 11 people have participated (63%)


Mary Tyrtle Rooker
Sat 2 Jul 2022 12:19AM

Thanks to Tim and Andy - good work!


Baltimore City Greens
Sat 2 Jul 2022 12:19AM

Andy on behalf of BGP SC


This takes away our long-standing practice has been that local candidates are accepted by the state co-chairs then send on the nominations to the state BOE. It is the responsibility of the locals to perform "due diligence" on local candidates. CC members do not "know better" than a local what to do. I support this proposal only for candidates from areas that do not have an active local. This is a degradation of our values and another obstacle to running candidates. We have never had a problem.


I recuse myself as a candidate.