Release announcements

What should we include in the release announcements or in additional posts after each release to recruit new devs or make users aware of the progress we made?

Jason Robinson Fri 21 Mar 2014 8:08PM
Yeah we should definitely start preparing release announcements on a pad immediately when deciding to release in the monthly meet, pad link here:

Jason Robinson Fri 21 Mar 2014 8:09PM
Also I like the idea of including devs to say some thanks for their work

goob Sat 22 Mar 2014 12:46PM
Also I like the idea of including devs to say some thanks for their work
I've tried to do that in the past with the development review posts from DHQ, but haven't had the energy in the past few months. If anyone can help with that, it would be much appreciated.

Flaburgan Tue 17 Jun 2014 7:57PM
Hey guys, I think the will be release soon, so I started to prepare the announcement, if someone wants to review...

goob Wed 18 Jun 2014 10:05AM
Thanks, Fla. I've done some editing.
I think we'll need to link to the changelog for release/
rather than develop
, won't we?

Flaburgan Fri 20 Jun 2014 6:10PM
Yeah, waiting for the git tag to be published to have some metrics too. Release should be done this week-end :)

Sean Tilley Fri 20 Jun 2014 7:38PM
Super excited for the release! Also, it'll be great to have JoinDiaspora and all of the other pods up an running on the latest version. :)

Jason Robinson Fri 20 Jun 2014 9:02PM
We talked earlier about thanking our contributors in the release announcement to give more credit to the people who write the code? Would be nice to add some of that in the announcement I think - can try to dig up names/feature combos tomorrow if no one gets there first :)
Otherwise looks ok!
@flaburgan could we at the same time also post the same announcement in the blog? It's so much better sharing the blog post outside d* than the status message. And when sharing stuff outside - it's better it looks good.

Flaburgan Fri 20 Jun 2014 9:18PM
@jasonrobinson Sure I can do that, do you want the exact same message or a improved one?
Steffen van Bergerem · Wed 19 Mar 2014 12:18AM
I saw a blogpost by mozilla which gives a list of new devs for the upcoming release.
I think it might be a good idea to post a list of new devs after each of our releases and describe their changes. Such a post could inspire other users to get into diaspora development.