This thread is for people to introduce themselves to the group and also act as a placeholder wiki with introductory information until we sort something out.
This document coalesced some of the thinking that had been brewing for about a year at enspiral and this talk by JV has some of the thinking behind the 'software package for cultural dna' idea.
When introduce maybe talk about
- your background
- why you are interested in this project
- what sort of work you are interested in picking up
Michel Bauwens Sat 18 Nov 2023 10:50AM
thank you!
David Abramson Fri 17 Nov 2023 4:06PM
@Michel Bauwens just added it to the original comment :)
Michel Bauwens Thu 16 Nov 2023 6:31PM
Any link to your coop ?
David Abramson Thu 16 Nov 2023 6:25PM
Hi All,
My name is David Abramson, I am a member-owner of CoLab Cooperative - we build technology for values-aligned partners, everything from websites to custom apps and we are a certified worker-owned cooperative. I was drawn to this group because I have been thinking about how we can create and support new tools that will 1) get us out of the big tech data surveillance space and 2) lower the barriers for (financial, technical) entry for useful tools and applications.
We often build amazing tech and tools for clients, but I'd like to see us be able to reuse and repurpose tech that we build to support an open ecosystem of tools for cooperative development and other values-driven groups that could use them.
We're getting ready to put out a tool we developed for hosting sociocratically-run meetings that we love to use internally. We're probably about 4-6 months out from doing that but once it's available for use (free to the community), I'll certainly post here so folks can use it. Look forward to connecting
Bob Haugen Tue 26 Sep 2023 10:11PM
Yet another welcome! message for the new people who have joined recently. Please post an introduction to yourself, maybe following the tips that @Joshua Vial posted above, or go free-form if you prefer.
And check out some of the other threads, or start a new one!
Bob Haugen Wed 21 Apr 2021 1:57PM
Yet another reminder to the new people who have arrived in the last few days: we have this lovely Introductions thread and would be happy and interested if you introduced yourself and what you are interested in and/or working on that fits into OAE somewhere...
Deleted account Thu 25 Jun 2020 6:06PM
"Luvly" Thanks for the heads up.
Bob Haugen Thu 25 Jun 2020 5:10PM
Libre Organize just got some love in
Deleted account Tue 23 Jun 2020 6:52PM
Hi there,
So. I've spend most of my life hiding in academia, though I'm not an academic. I was a programmer, first for the computer center at Gallaudet University, and then for the Gallaudet Research Institute at Gallaudet University. Now, I'm part of a wee worker-owned co-op, NOVA Web Development. Most of the members are working on either our flagship product LibreOrganize or our business tracker system (which, I think we're still keeping under wraps for now. So, no linky goodness there.) We've deployed customized / themed versions of LibreOrganize for a few organizations.
I on the other hand, still end up working, albeit now on contract, for Gallaudet University.
I also do a lot of networking and outreach for the team, and in digging around recently, I found Open App, which seemed in some ways to parallel what LibreOrganize is trying to be or be a part of. Hence, my reaching out here.
We're all passionate about F/LOSS, (co-founder Jeff Elkner and I have been using Linux since 1993), education (he's a high school teacher, and most of the members are current and former students of his), social justice, etc., etc. Most are in the Northern Virginia area, but we have a few people in El Salvador as well. Our target market is the labor movement, unions, progressive political organizations, schools and educational organizations. Probably several I missed in there, but that should give you a feel for what we're about.
The giants whose shoulders our platform is standing upon are Linux, Nginx, Gunicorn, Python, Django, and PostgreSQL. Although I've done some work with those -- well, Apache in place of Nginx, and wsgi in place of Gunicorn -- I'm not the person to talk with about the bowels of LibreOrganize.
But I can do my networking thing, or you can use the links above to reach out to us.
Thanks for having me.
Danyl Strype · Tue 17 Dec 2024 9:54AM
Hi everyone, I've moved this thread to the new Introductions group. Feel free to join the group and open a new thread to (re-)introduce yourself.
The last new intro here was a year ago, and many of us first introduced ourselves years ago, and may well have things to add about what we've been up to since then, and what we're working on these days. This could be a could way to revitalise the group and get some new discussions going.