Ideas waiting for an advocate to get off the ground
This is a collection of ideas we mentioned during a meeting or a discussion on the social media:
Repair café: one of the most popular ideas. We have plenty of information and resources but somebody should form and lead a group to make the first event happen.
Clothes swap: How it works at Wrexham Clothing Exchange ( ) "We accept quality men’s and women’s clothes - we’ll check for stains, holes, tears etc so please don’t be offended if we can’t accept unsuitable items. We also accept bags, hats, scarves, shoes. We don’t accept jewellery, swimwear or underwear sorry. Up to 20 items, no minimum amount. Each item equates to a token, regardless of value - so please don’t bring anything you may later want back! If you don’t use all your tokens, they carry over in your account. £3 entry charge to cover costs (buy our own rails, storage etc)."
Farmer - customer cooperative: fully customised arable land and livestock production for to provide a previously formed group of customers with vegetables, fruits, meats, milk, cheese or whatever is the demand. Customers have contract with farmers which is a win-win situation: farmers don't have to bother about how to sell their products and customers are provided with fresh, organic produce all year round.
Precious Plastic is a project trying to boost plastic recycling worldwide by sharing information about how to build a tiny but very effective plastic recycling workshop. They provide free plans and videos how to build a shredder, a plastic melter and press, and everything from plastic collection to selling products we could make in the workshop.
Transition town: Transition is a movement that has been growing since 2005. It is about communities stepping up to address the big challenges they face by starting local. By coming together, they are able to crowd-source solutions. They seek to nurture a caring culture, one focused on supporting each other, both as groups or as wider communities. In practice, they are reclaiming the economy, sparking entrepreneurship, reimagining work, reskilling themselves and weaving webs of connection and support.
Cargo bike: it could be a link between the social enterprises and startups we create. Youngsters could deliver local produce to customers and to other businesses or collect waste from businesses for a recycling/ upcycling startup.
Collecting garden waste from households for composting. Even hair could be collected from barbers because it's compostable and rich in special nutrients so the compost could be used for to grow flowers. You can start composting at home or you can find someone to compost your garden waste and the useful part of the food waste: