We need inclusive media of participation

Hi, there's never anyone in irc diaspora-es , when we entered the official channel, we are not welcome if we do not use English, they say that because there are channels in other languages such as "freenode diaspora-es" but people will not stay because there there are people, there are people among other things that this channel is not on the official website even in the translated into Spanish https://diasporafoundation.org/ if you do not get in Castilian, bottom right can change the language, only invited the English irc. Who manages all this? We speak? Is there any forum where you can participate in Castilian is? Diasporaforum seems to be no more.
irc freenode #diaspora-es with irc clients as xchat or webchat irc http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=diaspora-es

Juan Santiago Sat 24 Sep 2016 9:39PM
"the reason that the core members who help out on IRC won't discuss things in Spanish is because they don't speak Spanish".
That's the matter, is not it, I found people who speak Spanish in the channel, only wanted them to invite to go to the Spanish channel, and other people said here you can not use Spanish, using Spanish is spam.
"Get on diaspora and encourage Spanish-speaking community members who really understand the code-base to hang out on the diaspora-es IRC channel in order to give Spanish-language help to users."
Yes, so it is a good idea on the website which the English channel put others work.
This is not channel development, it is the general channel.
Have you ever wondered why on development and other issues involved only people who speak English?
Yes, I think there's a lot to talk about.

Juan Santiago Sat 24 Sep 2016 9:46PM
Perhaps we need to create a bridge, but a Calatrava bridge.

Dennis Schubert Sun 25 Sep 2016 4:49AM
That's the matter, is not it, I found people who speak Spanish in the channel, only wanted them to invite to go to the Spanish channel, and other people said here you can not use Spanish, using Spanish is spam.
There is no Spanish core member. You cannot argue against that, it's a simple fact. Don't disagree with goob.
While you are talking about how an English only channel is not "inclusive", you seem to forget a main point. You are, apparently, able to read and write English, otherwise you wouldn't be able to write this Loomio post. A lot of people, including myself, are not able to read or write Spanish. By enforcing an English-only primary discussion channel, we actually make it easier for people to participate, not harder.
You are free and welcome to create a channel for your own locale and add it to the wiki if there is none. As long as we (that is, the diaspora* core team) don't get any complaints about our code of conduct being violated in your channel, you will not run into any trouble.

goob Sun 25 Sep 2016 4:06PM
Don't disagree with goob.
I'm going to get badges printed with this on!
Daisy Ana Fri 30 Sep 2016 5:56PM
The participation of media is really compulsory .There are many things which need to be participate the inclusive media. In the best essays there are articles related about many official channels.
goob · Fri 23 Sep 2016 11:58AM
As there already exists a Spanish-language IRC channel, I don't see anything to discuss here. I doubt you were 'not welcome', but the reason that the core members who help out on IRC won't discuss things in Spanish is because they don't speak Spanish.
Get on diaspora* and encourage Spanish-speaking community members who really understand the code-base to hang out on the diaspora-es IRC channel in order to give Spanish-language help to users.