Community group working bees on cycle paths
Getting out with a spade and just digging and great fun actually. There are probably many projects around the city where we can get in three and work with the city council to speed up the construction of cycle paths.
Please add you ideas as proposals here so we can get the ball rolling.
Mark Garry Tue 9 Sep 2014 8:12PM
Keen to be part of this group. I have a kayak business and can be busy Summer months but share the dream of a cycleway from Raumanga to Onerahi via Waimahanga so keen to be in the loop on this development.
James Bellamy Wed 10 Sep 2014 9:44AM
For cycle paths (separate from the roads) - there must be some construction standard/guidelines now for joint use paths. either nationally or another local council, i.e. Taranaki and their amazing cycle/walking paths. Can we try to get these agreed to by our council, so we at least agree on a standard for separate paths. I too like the Guerilla style, - get the paths open and being used and then we can work on the quality with the council later. Many of the waterways are accessible already, one working bee and we would already have some pretty awesome alternative access around the town. Then organise a public event to celebrate/walk/cycle it, to get it in the public/councils eyes. Attached is a real crude map, but the blue line is a really easy path to create (apart from the yellow that intercepts)
Cycle lanes are a whole different ball game with standards, but I still like the guerilla styles.
Mark Fuller Thu 11 Sep 2014 11:33AM
Hi James, You were asking about the design & construction guidelines for shared use cycle/walkways in the Whangarei district? The document attached is the standard that they are supposed to use. As Aaron suggests, there is no mention in it of how to manage maintenance of community built facilities. I am also a big fan of using the waterways around town as a conduit for walking & cycling. The council have investigated this option (called "The Emerald Necklace" that phrase!) but it's gathering dust due to perceived cost. Maybe a bit of guerilla activity is called for!
James Bellamy Thu 11 Sep 2014 11:47PM
Love it, documented ready for us to get to work. Shall a small group of us get together briefly to identify where best to put energy and then decide on options, the standard and how the working bees would roll. I have talked with a handfull of people who are eager to get into it and I have secured some funds for it already to start the ball rolling. I'll put another proposal together on loomio to see who is in. Nice thinking Mark.
Shane Jansen · Mon 1 Sep 2014 8:59AM
I have a mate who has been coordinating a tidy up of the League club and is also on the board for the Christian school at CRF Church (on the route to Porowini). He is very supportive of the path. He may be helpful in negotiating access.