diaspora* stickers
We just receive this message on the press email:
>I’m Stefano from Unixstickers.com, an online store on Linux and Open Source merchandising, I’m reaching you to propose a collaboration with our store for Diaspora stickers.
>We would really love to add Diaspora to our shop, we already partnered with some big projects like OpenSUSE, Xubuntu, and many others are coming, as of our partnership we periodically provide free stickers and pins for conferences or whatever they need basing on our sales, in change of visibility on their websites, socials or blogs, in alternative we can also share the sticker’s revenues with the project.
>Many customers have already asked for your stickers and it would be awesome to add them to our collection and start a partnership with you and tour team.
>Thanks for your time, let me know what you think about.
>Best, Stefano.
I think it's a nice idea :)
Flaburgan Mon 10 Feb 2014 8:35PM
Here is how I see the deal:
We authorize them to use our brand on stickers and we promote the store on the official website.
In exchange, they give us a % of the sells revenue.
Sean Tilley Mon 10 Feb 2014 8:40PM
The world needs more Diaspora stickers.
Rich Mon 10 Feb 2014 10:51PM
Please please please design one that goes over the lit up Apple logo on the back of my MacBook :)
goob Tue 11 Feb 2014 11:05AM
What do we know about the deal. I'm all in favour of stickers, and raising money, but can't vote on this proposal until we know more about what the deal would be, what they're offering and what we'd be giving them.
Jason Robinson Tue 11 Feb 2014 6:33PM
Reply from Stefano @ Unixstickers.com;
Hello Jason,
Awesome, thanks for replying, we're incredibly happy to work together with project maintainers :-)
What we usually propose is the following:
- We produce a full collection of merchandising (starting with Stickers and Pins, then extending to t-shirts if the we agree and the experiment works) – Products are high quality, no compromises on this.
- You get a revenues share of 35% on Diaspora products.
- We send you loads of merchandising at production cost (or free, depending on quantity) to give away or sell at conferences and events
Is there anything we can do about the official vote? Let me know if you need any other information.
What we ask from your side would be the following, let me know what you can and can't do:
- A blog post
- Twitter/Facebook message
- Message on your newsletter/newsgroup/forum
- Link on your siteLet me know :-)
Best, Stefano.
I'll vouch personally for the high quality of the stuff - I've ordered loads, just ordered more for my new work laptop a few days ago.
I'll make a new proposal relating to the deal Stefano proposes, with all the details so we can either close this to proceed, or if a majority disagrees, we can discuss further.
If someone has questions, post here and someone from the press team will send the questions out.
At least a few questions come to mind;
- How the design process works
- Is PayPal ok (since we're stuck with that - as sad as it is..)
Jonne Haß Tue 11 Feb 2014 6:56PM
I think checking back with the FSSN whether they would be ok with accepting revenue through such an agreement would be ok with them is the only major blocker for this.
goob Tue 11 Feb 2014 7:15PM
Thanks Jason and Jonne. Sounds good!
Jason Robinson Tue 11 Feb 2014 7:31PM
@jonnehass sure we can ask - someone got a contact email?
Sean Tilley Wed 12 Feb 2014 9:42PM
I'll send that email off to the FSSN when I have a moment today, I'll make sure to bring the stickers up. :)
Jonne Haß Sun 16 Feb 2014 5:03PM
@seantilleycommunit got a moment to send out the mail yet?
Flaburgan Mon 17 Feb 2014 11:44AM
Sean sent the mail, we are now waiting for an answer from FSSN.
Manuel Bichler Mon 17 Feb 2014 4:06PM
Do you know if the stickers would sell cheaper if we disclaimed the revenue share?
Steffen van Bergerem Mon 17 Feb 2014 11:22PM
Yay, stickers! :)
Jason Robinson Thu 20 Feb 2014 9:56PM
Sent reply to Stefano - also with question from @manuelbichler
Jason Robinson Sat 22 Feb 2014 9:00PM
Yay, heard back from unixstickers.com
Answer to question from @manuelbichler
As of forfeiting revenues, we like to keep prices even on our site, as differences could create confusion, but let us know if this is important for you and we can give it a serious thought. Revenue sharing would still be preferred.
I at least don't want to start making any special arrangements. If someone wants to push this direction, we need to vote on it.
As for PayPal:
As of donations: no problems with PayPal, it's even handier for us than wire transfers :)
They will take care of everything and let us know about the designs. Though for the money part, we still need to hear from the FSSN - though it's hard to imagine they would be able to say no.
goob Sat 22 Feb 2014 10:50PM
Unless I've misunderstood what you mean by 'say no', I don't think the FSSN can say no, as they are not in any way in charge of Diaspora*'s money - they just hold it for the project. I don't think that they can have any say in what happens to it.
Jason Robinson Sat 22 Mar 2014 5:59PM
Bang - we have designs which wait our final acceptance for a go live next week already! :)
I've uploaded them here: https://cloud.jasonrobinson.me/public.php?service=files&t=9ca41117bbdc668b3973b8baad29ae04
As they conform to our branding specs and approval has already been voted on to use that branding, I would like to give the final approval without a further vote. If no one objects, will do so within 24h. Unixstickers will make these available for order early next week \o/
Btw, whether the project will receive money for them is still not clear, but that is another matter. Unfortunately things are unclear with the FSSN still - they are slow to reply and it's not clear still how the paypal id they have for us works.
Can't wait to order these - look good in the pictures :D
Jason Robinson Sat 22 Mar 2014 6:01PM
Just to clarify on the money - the problem is not unixstickers.com - the problem is the FSSN.
Ivan Gabriel Morén Sun 23 Mar 2014 11:01AM
Ohh, they look wonderful! Is it too late to propose a change though? I'd really like the one with a circle in gray/white instead of black/white, like the default icons for pods. But if it means a big vote and a lot of extra time, then I'm totally fine with these :)
goob Sun 23 Mar 2014 12:02PM
I would like to give the final approval without a further vote.
That's fine with me, Jason. Thanks for your work in getting this going.
Jason Robinson Sun 23 Mar 2014 7:52PM
@ivangabrielmoren I'm guessing we can suggest changes to the stickers in time if this partnership goes well. I've sent the approval for this time now to not delay them getting available for purchase :)
Now we just need to sort things out with that FSSN... :P
Florian Staudacher Tue 25 Mar 2014 10:14AM
thanks for handling this, jason!
Jason Robinson Thu 27 Mar 2014 8:00PM
I'd love to get word out of these too on the official accounts - @flaburgan @goob @jonnehass can we do that?
I can write if no objections. We should not mention the 35% cut as, well, until the FSSN really is sorted out we can't promise it.
But when taking on the deal we did promise also to promote the stickers. Plus our users want them :)
Jonne Haß Thu 27 Mar 2014 9:22PM
Sure, I never objected to promote them. I'm just saying that we should keep quiet on the exact deal for now.
goob Thu 27 Mar 2014 9:32PM
I think we should definitely promote them. Don't need to give the financing details just yet, until we're sure of them.
Flaburgan Fri 28 Mar 2014 3:02PM
So do we mention in the promote post that we receive part of the benefice made by the stickers sell? I think we should do that.
Once this is decided, we can post with diaspora HQ
Jason Robinson Fri 28 Mar 2014 3:17PM
We shouldn't mention it :P
Flaburgan Fri 28 Mar 2014 3:59PM
@jasonrobinson well, that could encourage people to buy stickers, and we're almost sure to have the money anyway, even if we don't use FSSN for that, unixstickers will give it to us.
goob Fri 28 Mar 2014 4:01PM
I suppose we could say that we have an agreement with Unixstickers to receive 35% of the proceeds - we just don't have to specify how that transfer is likely to take place.
Jason Robinson Fri 28 Mar 2014 4:24PM
I'd rather not make promises that are not 100%. We can always do a follow up message..
Flaburgan Mon 31 Mar 2014 7:51AM
Okay time to post the message, what about that:
diaspora* stickers available
Hi diasporans, we now have a parternship with unixstickers to provide you awesome diaspora* stickers.
Unixstickers are known for the quality of their products, so we are really proud to work with them. More than that, part of the benefice made by selling the stickers go back to the diaspora foundation!
So don't wait, go to http://www.unixstickers.com/diaspora and order yours!
Jason Robinson Mon 31 Mar 2014 7:55AM
More than that, part of the benefice made by selling the stickers go back to the diaspora foundation!
@flaburgan Please, no mention of money back to the project until we are 100% certain the FSSN can be used for that. Otherwise OK - an image also would be nice :)
Jason Robinson Mon 31 Mar 2014 7:56AM
We can update people later when this is resolved - no need to mention it now!
Flaburgan Mon 31 Mar 2014 8:14AM
Oh, okay, I thought we discussed about mentionning the exact participation (35%), not the fact that we will earn money that way. But Unixstickers said they're going to give us money, why should we hide that? I mean, even if we don't want to use the FSSN, we will probably do something like directlty pay @dennisschubert to pay the host costs, we will have the money anyway. Or maybe we are waiting for an official agreement with unixstickers, in that case I understand, but in the case we are waiting for the FSSN I don't understand. If we still don't know how we will have the money, we already know that we will have it anyway.
And yeah, tags + image in the message, of course ;)
Dennis Schubert Mon 31 Mar 2014 8:30AM
We can update people later when this is resolved - no need to mention it now!
Fla, please... Let's not talk about any money-related stories until we're sure what's up.
Flaburgan Mon 31 Mar 2014 8:38AM
Posted ;)
Jason Robinson Mon 31 Mar 2014 9:27AM
But Unixstickers said they’re going to give us money, why should we hide that?
We're not hiding it - it's all here in public :) And sure, if the FSSN doesn't work out, I'm sure we can discuss to get the revenue somewhere else from unixstickers.
Just no need to advertise it via the posts for now. Thanks for posting :)
Jason Robinson Wed 30 Apr 2014 6:38PM
Just saw this in the sticker product pages at unixstickers.com ;)
Would be nice to get the FSSN stuff sorted out - or some other paypal account if that doesn't work out. Been thinking of looking into some non-profit setup legal stuff even, I wonder if that would be easy to setup .. :P
Jason Robinson Wed 30 Apr 2014 6:39PM
Oh they have a typo, hehe. Plus maybe it's not "Diaspora Foundation" - it should say "diaspora* Project" I guess... opinions?
Flaburgan Tue 13 May 2014 7:14PM
It's still at $12, that's really low, I saw different persons ordering stickers, I doubt the total is only $36...
Jason Robinson Wed 14 May 2014 7:27AM
@flaburgan unixstickers.com promised a share of the profit not the sales. I'm quite sure the amount per sticker they actually get profit is very low ;)
Flaburgan Wed 14 May 2014 8:45AM
Wow, that's indeed completely different, it will definitely not become a real source of profit as I expected...
Paul Greindl · Mon 10 Feb 2014 8:29PM
Just joined this "group". Wanted to say that I think it's an excellent idea :D