Mon 26 Aug 2013 4:51PM

17 memeber, 6 pending, not much discussion...

JG Jammie Gregory Public Seen by 19

I only see several people involved in discussions, I guess a lot of people joined this group just to jump on the wagon in case it was going somewhere but not realizing that it's not going to go anywhere if hardly anyone is involved in the discussion or decisions... I may try to recruit some more from the HRBE pool, but there can only be 50 in this group at one time. If all else fails I'm moving to CO next spring and buying land myself, I'll keep a list of the people who are really interested in this and invite them later.


Marlene Robinson Fri 13 Sep 2013 8:28PM

Hi, I haven't been active yet but I do want to try to do this, either with you all, or if I can't, then to learn from your experience to be able to share elsewhere. I'm in Florida but would consider relocating to Colorado or Vermont, or possibly other places.


Blaine Smith Sat 14 Sep 2013 12:19AM

It seems things are slowing picking up again, I hope it continues. I think a good think to do now would be if anyone lives in or near Colorado or where ever we are looking to do this they could search for a piece of land to start on. This would be a lot better than just searching online as there might be things we miss. If you can do this, comment on one of the discussions about land. We need to make some decisions about what we want. If you don't comment it will be taken as you don't care and a decision will be made without you.


Thomas A. Anderson Sat 14 Sep 2013 4:20PM

you can look stuff up on line and then follow up by contacting the people posting as many are realtors and will be able to search locally for other properties.
(if you can not go there in person)
how ever once we know for certain where we want to do something we can pool some money and send the closest person to the location to go and investigate the land and do a brief survey, maybe post video of the properties for us to have a look at