Movies at NatGat

Hey folks,
Couldn't find the threads talking about movies - finding a venue and or equipment and place to show on a sheet or a wall.
If we have a Media tent, can be inside of it.
Just throwing these out, seeing what is possible or what sticks.
Printing Deadline Tues, July 15.
Proposed Films:
Broadcast Blues (may be part of a longer workshop)
Citizen Koch
Crooked Beauty
In Light, In!
Occupy Love
Citizen Koch trailers and grassroots crowd funding info:
Crooked Beauty and In Light, In!:

Sally G Mon 14 Jul 2014 1:01PM
@carolyndixon That would be great; what is the situation regarding public screenings, royalties, copyrights, etc.? Many (some?) distributors and producers will give permission for free screenings if asked, but I would be uncomfortable without doing so—we are a bit too visible and would not want bad publicity (or a huge fine). Can you check it out? Contact me if I can be helpful in figuring out whom to address.

Tricia Mon 14 Jul 2014 1:17PM
Who has the projector and the DVR player? Where will the electricity come from?

Sally G Mon 14 Jul 2014 9:07PM
There has been discussion of movies at NatGat for some time; various venues have been discussed, but I personally am not sure if a decision has been made, or what it was if so.

Jackie Tue 15 Jul 2014 1:04AM
no, no decisions or concrete news yet. That's why I threw this up. The speakers group is working madly to get a succinct version of the schedule out by tomorrow that will be for the "guru". So anything concrete goes in there.
The rest will be evolving and changing probably right up to and during natgat.
different folks have said they have a projector;
other folks have suggested the list of movies
there was an idea floated about a local movie theatre, but that would cost $$
what will actually happen is what folks make happen.
great suggestion, @sallyg .
@delphinebrody, do the films you suggested need to be check on for public use?
Don't worry about Broadcast Blues - Sue Wilson, the director/writer of that film will at the gathering! and be doing a 2.5 hours workshop on Media reform.
Scott Scott Thu 17 Jul 2014 10:39PM
Let me know if I can help. CitizenKoch is having individual screenings all over the country. Perhaps we could get their permission to show it at the Gathering.

Sally G Fri 18 Jul 2014 1:43PM
@scottscott We are hoping to show movies; have a few light brigades with tech, there is electricity at the capitol—could you look into what would be needed to get permission for Citizen Koch?
Scott Scott Fri 18 Jul 2014 8:10PM
Can Do!
Will look deeper into getting a copy of the film (DVD or permission to stream).

Sally G Sat 19 Jul 2014 2:49PM
Thanks, Scott! We also just got an offer of a screening of Who Bombed Judi Ban? from Darryl Cherney.

Tricia Mon 28 Jul 2014 5:47PM
Comrades are arranging rooms in the capitol building to show the movies. If that doesn't work out PLAN B this is a list of places in Sacramento where outdoor movies have been shown.
Carolyn Dixon · Mon 14 Jul 2014 9:01AM
If anyone is interested, I have a copy of "American Winter," a documentary about families impoverished after the recent (continuing) depression.