Sun 12 Apr 2020 4:13PM
The Bhumisparsha Sangha
Some information about the Bhumisparsha Sangha, a tantric practice community that @Alex Rodriguez is working with based in the USA.
Some information about the Bhumisparsha Sangha, a tantric practice community that @Alex Rodriguez is working with based in the USA.
Alex Rodriguez · Sun 12 Apr 2020 4:25PM
At @Richard D. Bartlett 's request, I'm sharing a bit about the "Congregation" (although we call it by the Buddhist term "Sangha") that I have been working closely to get started over the past two years or so. We hosted small in-person retreats in the US South in December 2018 and 2019, and are now launching into a new phase with online programming and community building. The community formed in response to widespread abuses of power that have been taking place in many Buddhist communities in recent years, especially in North America / Turtle Island and Europe.
The website for the community is here:
One of my co-organizers wrote this lovely statement of our vision and values:
There are about 400 people on our newsletter right now, and we're just opening up new pathways for folks to participate. Our group uses Loomio to decide and self-organize, with a "Core Organizer" subgroup (akin to "Partners") that consists of folks who are committed to tracking things and making pattern-level decisions together.
I'd love to know if anyone has any questions about what we're up to or how things are going.