Thu 12 Aug 2021 8:47PM

Quarterly Project 2021Q4

CM Cj Malone Public Seen by 82

Anyone have any thoughts on topics for the next quarter? It'll be October/November/December so probably best to have a topic that we can do remote, with the colder weather. There are some good topics mentioned in the past [1] [2], that we may want to do this time. We could also revisit old projects if there is interest in doing that.


Andrew Ross Wed 15 Sep 2021 4:25PM

1 - Pubs
2 - Retail
3 - Waste and Recycling
4 - Places of Worship

Significant changes in pubs and retail since COVID


SK53 Wed 15 Sep 2021 4:25PM

1 - Places of Worship
2 - Waste and Recycling
3 - Retail
4 - Pubs

Open Data file found by eteb3 helps with former which is also an area of POIs still with lacunae. Retail & Pubs have been done to death as projects & dont work at all for areas which are well mapped, whereas locating minor churches, mosques etc is still worth doing


Paul Berry Wed 15 Sep 2021 4:25PM

1 - Waste and Recycling
2 - Retail
3 - Pubs
4 - Places of Worship

There was a brief burst of interest around recycling centres back in March so we should look to continue this.


Richard Alexander Cook Wed 15 Sep 2021 4:25PM

1 - Places of Worship
2 - Pubs
3 - Retail
4 - Waste and Recycling

I think we need some on the ground mapping this quarter, Places of Worship will hopefully clear up a few nameless objects (Robert Whittaker's site says there are 3926 nameless). Pubs and Retail might still be a bit changeable, but FHRS might help there. Waste and Recycling needs a better explanation of the task.


Jez Nicholson Wed 15 Sep 2021 4:25PM

1 - Waste and Recycling
2 - Places of Worship
3 - Pubs
4 - Retail

Have been building uk.wastemap.org with others and has sparked my interest in all things waste processing


Tony Shield Wed 15 Sep 2021 4:25PM

1 - Retail
2 - Pubs
3 - Waste and Recycling
4 - Places of Worship

There has been high rates of churn in retail recently. Can we have clarity of marking empty shops - node with shop=vacant??


Ed Loach Wed 15 Sep 2021 4:25PM

1 - Retail
2 - Waste and Recycling
3 - Places of Worship
4 - Pubs

Ranked based on what needs most work manually - lots of retail churn over the pandemic so lots of resurveying needed.


Edward Bainton Wed 15 Sep 2021 4:25PM

1 - Pubs
2 - Retail
3 - Waste and Recycling
4 - Places of Worship

My hunch is pubs stand the best chance of engagement from people who aren't regular mappers: lots of folk are concerned at their local eatery closing up, and would be pleased to get it on the map as soft advertising if it's still going.

Retail needs lots of ground survey, and there's a lot of churn to deal with.

Places of worship would be better done when/if the GRO dataset becomes usable.


Jack Gilmore Mon 20 Sep 2021 9:43PM

1 - Waste and Recycling
2 - Retail
3 - Pubs
4 - Places of Worship

Have been working on building https://openwastemap.uk and it would be great to see some more data updated on OSM to update the map


Andrew Black Wed 15 Sep 2021 4:25PM

1 - Retail
2 - Pubs
3 - Waste and Recycling
4 - Places of Worship

A lot of change to retail during COVID era. Now may be time things are stabilising.


Yorvik Prestigitor Wed 15 Sep 2021 4:25PM

1 - Places of Worship
2 - Waste and Recycling
3 - Pubs
4 - Retail

For future votes it would be useful to know what resources are available to support different project options.
Places of worship like the more obvious churches and mosques etc are often useful navigational landmarks.
Waste and recycling are unlikely to be particularly subject to any immediate changes while pubs and retail are in a mild state of turmoil following pandemic (on top of longer term changes of shopping and drinking habits)


Denise Xenia Wed 15 Sep 2021 11:21PM

I’ll participate