Change to how you can post to loomio
Hi all. I’ve just done some tidying up and simplifying in loomio (this platform). You can now post directly to the parent group rather than having to use the ‘General’ subgroup. All old threads have been migrated.
if anyone wants to create a subgroup, please let us know. These are best for projects, committees or working groups.
RobJN Thu 3 Sep 2020 5:47PM
Hi Nick. The decision making tools were certainly a key reason why we picked Loomio in the first place. The board has a private channel and is quite good at using them the same way the OSMF board have a private Loomio. Use beyond that has been limited so I encourage you to start polls etc.
As for use, then yes to using Loomio for OSM UK CIC matters. For non CIC matters it's up to the community. If they see value using the tools here then they are free to do so. I would have done so for the UPRN/USRN tagging proposal but there is already a wiki voting process for tag proposals.
If you draft some text I can add it to the into text.
P....j.... Fri 11 Feb 2022 12:24AM
P....j.... Fri 11 Feb 2022 12:24AM
Nick Ananin · Wed 2 Sep 2020 9:10AM
Loomio as I understand it is set up for having conversations and making decisions. Looking at previous threads, not all relate directly to the operation of the CIC OpenStreetMap UK. Should the use of Loomio be made clearer and direct 'other' conversations to the Talk-GB list i.e. clear guidelines on the use of Loomio or at least have a subgroup for 'help needed'?
If it is agreed that clearer guidelines of the use of Loomio are required, then this should be on the landing page - perhaps with links to what is Loomio and how to make decisions (we don't seem to use the 'Proposal' and 'Poll' facilities).
BTW it can be used to get people to volunteer for projects etc.