Wed 25 Oct 2023 11:01PM


DU rskedgell Public Seen by 64

As Loomio appears to have no spam protection and no way to report posts, can we give up on this platform and move over to community.openstreetmap.org?


BC Thu 26 Oct 2023 5:49AM

Please do this.


Gareth L Thu 26 Oct 2023 8:19AM


We will discuss this at the next directors call. The spam has become very problematic lately. Apologies for the errant email notifications, they annoy me too.

I’ve made a couple changes to try and prevent this in the interim.


Gareth L Wed 10 Apr 2024 6:11PM

Following up on this, there is a request to adopt the old UK section of the OSM forum and have a subcategory on community.openstreetmap.org

At this time, this is not a direct replacement for Loomio, but if the request is successful, it will be a better location for general UK openstreetmap queries.

You can view the request here and comment support/opposition https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/uk-subcategory-reactivation/111502/1