
Draft Policy: Complaints about Reviews and Reviewers

SF Shannon Friday Public Seen by 189

Complaints about a review must be made in writing to the Managing Editor no more than 48 hours after the review has been posted. Unless there are allegations of personal misconduct towards the person making the complaint, the Managing Editor may show any complaint submissions to the reviewer in question.

Possibilities for resolving a complaint include but are not limited to:

•Adding a note or disclaimer to the bottom of the review

•The reviewer or editor rewriting or correcting the review

•Editing the review,

•Giving the show a second review,

•Removing the review, AND/OR

•Any other arrangement deemed acceptable by the complainant and Managing Editor.

Generally, a review will not be removed unless there is a clear reason for doing so that simply editing the review would not fix. Clear reasons include:

•Numerous factual errors,

•Discovery of copyright infringement by either the show or reviewer,

•Discovery of conflict of interest after a review has been written and posted,

•Problems with the quality of review, including grammatical errors or comprehensibility, AND/OR

•Use of objectionable language or content, including personal insults.

Not liking what is in show’s review is not a clear reason for having a review removed from the site.

Posted reviews are edited or removed at the discretion of the Managing Editor, unless a conflict of interest involving the Managing Editor has been identified.

If an additional review is requested and granted, the show is responsible for providing two further complimentary tickets to an additional show to accommodate the request.