Media Coverage

This thread is to report on local media coverage on all things Creative Commons related (and not just media coverage organised by the CCANZ team).

Elizabeth Heritage Mon 9 Nov 2015 2:43AM
We also had a piece in last month's Library Life (the LIANZA magazine) about CC & GLAM.
Hamish MacEwan Mon 16 Nov 2015 5:24AM
Awesome. The decoupling of location and pedagogy must mean an opportunity for somewhere to become the campus of the globe, Edu-tourism.

Matt McGregor Mon 16 Nov 2015 9:37PM
Interestingly, @hamishmacewabn, that's one of the critiques of (read-only) MooCs - that there's a colonial dynamic in how they operate - i.e. the 'centre' exporting education to the globe. But that's why we need the resources themselves to be (read/write) open: so they can be localised and adapted and improved (and translated) for the specific needs of local students.
Hamish MacEwan Tue 17 Nov 2015 6:44PM
Given the number of 'centre's striving to export their wares, and the low cost of entry into the market, it seems unlikely that one place or world view would necessarily dominate.
Most of the options I'm aware of originate in the US, but there's no exclusivity that they possess in the production of MooCs.

Elizabeth Heritage Mon 23 Nov 2015 12:49AM
I have written an article about CC in Kiwi schools for the PPTA Newsletter, and an article about CC and Open GLAM for art history teachers for the December issue of the NZAHTA Journal. I will publish both of these on NZCommons after they come out.

Elizabeth Heritage Mon 22 Feb 2016 3:13AM
We've got an article in the latest issue of the Ed Gazette, plus a series of articles this year in the School Trustees Assn magazine.
Matt McGregor · Thu 29 Oct 2015 11:31PM
To start things off with a bang, here's a link to Cable Green's excellent interview with Kim Hill from 14 October, organised by @elizabethheritage: