Wed 21 Aug 2024 11:48AM

Move Burning Nest start date to the following Monday in 2025

TNB The Nest Board Public Seen by 133

What is the decision you need to make?

Whether to move Nest and start the event on the late May Bank Holiday Monday

Why is this important and what impact does it have?

  • Moving it allows families to bring their children as it aligns with the half-term holiday,

  • it clashes with Fire In The Mountain (FITM) which many of our community also attend,

  • there is a perception that moving it means less people will stay to help Strike

What information do people need for context?

There is no problem with the landowner in moving the date

When we tried this in the past it meant Flim Flam didn't bring their camp as too many of their members go to FITM

A consultation has already been launched in a newsletter (56 responses) and a majority supported moving the start date

We have held a Google Poll about moving the event to half term week. The results are as follows:
8/56 - no preference for moving
8/56 - keep dates the same
40/56 - move to the following Monday (align with Half Term)

Previous comments from a Google Poll

As Google Poll comments are private and not able to be viewed by the community, we wanted to list a few for transparency, so people see what has already been said.

Option 1: For Changing Dates to align with School Holidays:

  • "Kids being able to come is a big positive"

  • "Putting it during the school holidays is a more inclusive date"

  • "Option 2 is more child friendly and therefore more parent friendly.There are lots of great burner parents who I would love to see returning to Nest."

  • "Aligning with school holidays is key to inclusion, as it doesn't automatically exclude children, families, Just that personally as somebody in education I really appreciate being able to participate and am grateful when the dates fall during half term."

  • "Aligning with school holidays is key to inclusion, as it doesn't automatically exclude children, families, and everyone with teaching or education-related positions from attending"

  • "I know a lot of great humans who are teachers"

  • "School holidays make it much more accessible to me, as I have one in secondary and one in primary. I also work term times in an alternative education setting for young people, so holidays are much more accessible for my work."

  • "The weather is normally warmer & drier. Slightly More daylight hours too"

    Option 2: For Keeping it as it is:

  • "Very happy to be consulted, thank you x"

  • "Cost of trains and coach travel increases during school holidays and the roads are busier and more congested"

  • "Ending on the bank holidays means only taking days off work in one week, instead of leaving before temple burn."

  • "Family commitments during the half term holiday would clash with Nest if it were held in that week.

  • "Fire in the Mountain!!!"

Who is the facilitator?

Event Link (Michael Kossew)

What conditions need to be met for a decision?

We'd like to have a discussion with the community before finally deciding to move the date, after making sure that we are more aware of the implications of moving. Following a discussion and having met all objections to moving the event, the Links will infer a decision.

The conversation continues below the poll, so please do keep reading :)


Simon Edwards Thu 22 Aug 2024 6:38AM

Move to week starting bank holiday Monday please.


Hilda Breakspear Thu 22 Aug 2024 7:41AM

Much prefer to continue to end on the bank holiday. Easier strike with more people able to stay.


Reason Sat 24 Aug 2024 5:45PM

Prefer to start on the bank holiday... More inclusive for not only families but teachers too... Teachers have a lot to contribute. I have two who would love to come if it didn't clash with term time...


Nest Eventlink Tue 27 Aug 2024 9:48PM

@Hilda Breakspear I can definitely see your point about strike. Short of bringing Effigy and Temple forward by a day (which hasn't worked so well in the past, but is still an option), what could the community do to encourage more people to stay for strike?


Matthew Wed 28 Aug 2024 10:30AM

There would also be far fewer people at Temple Burn, as anyone working on Monday would leave early on Sunday.


Adrian Godwin Wed 28 Aug 2024 7:05PM

Clashes are a problem - I had to miss another event for 3 years running because I wanted to go to Nest - and tt seems wrong to knowingly create one with an event known to be popular with attendees.


Filipe Amarante Thu 29 Aug 2024 5:34PM

I apologise in advance if I am not seeing something obvious here, but can the core team explain to the community why there was an opinion poll? And what weight this poll has in the decision making process?

More than 70% of the people responded that they prefer Nest to align with half term. It seems pretty clear to me that the community has spoken and the dates should change unless there are extremely strong reasons not to. For example, if moving Nest to align with mid term it will cause a drastic increase in the ticket price, which then would make Nest less accessible to low income people (almost feels like a Brexit vote here, we are not fully aware of the consequences of this date change pre voting).

My view is: if we are a community that champions inclusion, we should live up to that and change the date to the week that allows more people to attend, as well as more families, and in line with the poll that won by a landslide.


Hilda Breakspear Thu 29 Aug 2024 7:11PM

Hardly a landslide. The original post says that only 56 people voted on the original poll and of those, 40 wanted to move the date. I certainly don't remember seeing it. Am personally grateful for this more nuanced consultation as there are lots of things to consider.


Nest Eventlink Fri 30 Aug 2024 11:06AM

Yea - the original poll definitely showed a preference for a half-term date, but it wasn't an open discussion (just a Google Form, where everyone else's answers and reasons were hidden from each other). We thought that by putting it out to the community on a more transparent platform (which we'd like to start using more), there would be more debate around the issue, potential solutions and/or compromises found and more people participating than the original 56.

As the original one happened in the run-up to Nest, I think many just didn't have capacity for it and it got a little lost in the madness of pre-Nest prep. This feels like a much calmer time of year to be having these discussions in a deeper way...

@Filipe Amarante you are correct... we do not fully understand the consequences... yet. This conversation will hopefully throw up a few potential outcomes so we can make a balanced decision. The original poll showed that there is much need for this - probably more than we originally thought <3


Matthew Fri 30 Aug 2024 11:17AM

Hi, is there any reason why we couldn't hold it Saturday to Saturday 24-31May. This would allow teachers and school kids to attend and would allow one Sunday at the end for people to help with strike. It would not solve the clash with the other festival and it would be difficult to drive there on Saturday 24th, but I'm just trying some out of the box thinking!

Or even Friday 23-30 May? That would avoid the road chaos of Saturday 24th.

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