Saturday, 22nd April 2017 (12.00-14.00) in Kingsmead Square

Who can come to the street stall this Saturday? We need to reach more people with our leaflets/newsletters, so that means more volunteers at base (Kingsmead Square) and more leafleting buddies to spread out round the city centre. Please let me know if you can help. I think Sue said she could come, but I'm not sure who else: Jane? Alison? Gill? Maggie?

Ruth Malloy Thu 20 Apr 2017 10:13AM
Thanks for letting me know, Jane.

Sue Craig Thu 20 Apr 2017 11:48AM
Yes. I will be there.

Ruth Malloy Thu 20 Apr 2017 1:03PM
Thanks, Sue. So far it's just you and me. If at least one more person can come, the street stall will go ahead. If not, we'll do a repeat of the other week, when Alice and I took a load of leaflets and handed them out in Milsom Street and other pedestrian hotspots in the centre of Bath.
It would be very easy to give up altogether at this stage, because we could be campaigning elsewhere, but I would like to keep up the Bath for Europe presence, even if only with two of us for a couple of hours!
Can anyone else help this Saturday?

Gillian Risbridger Fri 21 Apr 2017 8:48PM
Hi Ruth I should be able to come along tomorrow - after today's phone tag, I also wanted to ask you about sending out a volunteer email request and our BfE email account - if I ask for replies to go to the generic account how can I access them?

Ruth Malloy Fri 21 Apr 2017 9:52PM
I (or Wera) would have to forward them to you, or we could give you the password for the account and you could just deal with the emails relating to leafleting? The only other people who can currently access the BfE emails are Tony and Gareth. BTW didn't you consider using Chimp Mail (?!) for these emails? Perhaps Gareth can best advise you, as he looks after the membership and sends out our e-newsletters?

Gillian Risbridger Sat 22 Apr 2017 8:39AM
Hi Ruth
Yes I would ask Gareth to send the initial email through mailchimp, but then I need a contact email to put in this email for volunteers to reply with additional information eg home location, preferred leaflet location, I would also need their email address to add to my spreadsheet and possibly mobile phone number? Bristol for Europe use their generic email address for everything, so rather then me using my personal email I think I should use the generic account so would need access to the account rather then having you or Vera forwarding it and giving you more work. When we have a list of volunteers (in addition to the list I already have) Gareth can create a subgroup which he can also email through mailchimp on a weekly basis to organise stalls/leaflets through doodlepoll (although Bristol have abandoned Doodle and just use a spreadsheet). In the meantime I am arranging for a 11kg flat-pack mini campaign stall to be printed and will be asking the steering committee members to volunteer to "lead" leaflet distributions in a variety of locations at different times of day leading up to the general election.
If you or anyone else has ideas about how to coordinate this - they would be welcomed.
Jane Riekemann · Wed 19 Apr 2017 10:49PM
Sorry. I have daughter's boyfriend's parents for lunch.