Tue 30 Aug 2022 5:33AM

Role Advice Process (RAP) - Role Change for Chloe

CM Chloe Miller Public Seen by 8

This thread is an example of a Role Advice Process - Role Change as practiced by the Ian Martin Group.

It is used when staff want to make a change to their role.

See the IMG Role Advice Process (RAP) Guide for an intro/description of the process.


This RAP considers the possibility of ending my current role, and taking up responsibility for learning & development, performance management practices and programs.

Current State

Why am I doing this advice process? What steps led to this?

A few months ago, I participated in a Keep/Stop/Start exercise in which numerous people encouraged me to do another RAP to find out what’s next: to explore myself, my why, what I want to do/contribute, and who I want to be.

I picked up a task to start a 'people & culture' discovery process with some of our people. We made a proposal, and Jaiyush suggested our organization needed a Teal coach with no delivery responsibility, to be available to help people use the Teal OS.

My responsibilities committed to in my last RAP were nearing completion. So all signs were pointing to another RAP!

What contribution am I currently making to the team? What’s working well? What could be better?

My current main role has been to get the Ops team up and running. We have now put in place the people, processes and tools to get this humming. I'm delighted with progress of the team, and it's time for me to step back and let them work.

Unplanned problems occur from time to time, and the team is able to work through these. I'm confident they no longer need me to be there every day, and happy to check in periodically as a coach to help with improvements.

What am I good at? (strengths, skills, knowledge, experience, competencies)

People tell me I have good people skills, strengths in organization design and implementation, leadership and management competence. I have been working with our company for over 5 years now, and recognized as a change leader.

What do I love to do? (passion, purpose, play, engagement, learning)

I love making sense of complex situations, helping people identify purpose and develop skills to achieve success - and having fun while doing this!

What could the business need from me?

We have introduced a new way of working. While this is attractive to many people joining, it can be daunting to comprehend and to understand how to thrive. As the company grows, I think the business needs my experience and caring support to help new people, and nurture leadership.

What questions do I have for my advisors about my current role?

I'm interested to hear what my advisors think - if they agree with my assessment, or think there's more to be done.

Future State

This RAP contemplates the possibility of taking up the learning, development and performance management work that is not currently assigned. I am also open to advice related to other needs.

Could I increase my impact by shifting or changing my role? In what ways specifically? What would be gained? What would be lost? Who would assume my current duties? 

Greater attention on our people and culture programs and practices will help people currently working in our company to excel, and new people joining to onboard more successfully.

My work would directly help improve recruitment, onboarding, human connection, wellness, performance management, learning and development, compensation and benefits, and people and culture collateral.

There is a lot of interest in our work and practices outside our company, and there's a real opportunity to share our experiences and raise profile of the good work we do together.!

Does the role currently exist, or am I looking to create a new role? What would success look like in this new role?

This is a new role, although builds on some work we are already doing.

Success looks like more people unlocked to do meaningful work - we will see this in staff participation, morale, retention and recruitment - and be seen to be a great place to work!

How do I feel about this potential change? What am I worried about? Excited about?

I'm excited about the potential for this role. It is a role I believe will give me great joy.

There's still so much to learn, and to consider about how practices at other organizations may benefit us, and how they may need to be adapted. I'm also a little worried about the energy commitment, particularly if interest outside our organization grows.

What questions do I have for my advisors about my future role? What do I want to explore or know?

Thanks for being my advisors. I'd love to hear what you think about this, and if you see there is a real need for this work in our company.

Specifically, I'd love to hear about what work is important to you, and if there is a suitable title.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on recovery of costs to help other organizations? This has been voluntary so far.


Jaiyush Devi Tue 30 Aug 2022 5:50AM

Hey Chloe... really supportive of you moving into this full time. With all the hiring I think it's needed and ripe.

There are a lot of comments already above, so I'm only going to note the things we talked about that haven't been said by others 🙂

What work is important to you?

For me, it isn't about creating new practices or structures but helping people build the courage to use the structures we have. I'm hoping you can find ways to grow that courage, especially with so many people new to the company.


I suggest a senior 'People' or HR title - because it's about providing increased support for people. I find a title like 'Organizational Development' abstract and somewhat top-down, so don't love it, but could live with it.

Recovery of costs?

I advise to not try to bill externally for this work. Your focus on internal work will be highly valuable, and the cost of external work is unlikely to have a material impact on company P&L. If you think there's a business opportunity, then how about setting up your own consultancy?


Chloe Miller Tue 30 Aug 2022 5:51AM

Thanks so much to my advisors for your time, care and wisdom.

What I heard

  • Lots of agreement that this work is ripe - and that I'm a suitable candidate (phew!)

  • Some agreement on priority areas

  • General agreement that I should leave the ops team, and advice to take time for transition

  • A tension about the duration of the work - is it the creation of a new program, and back to other work, or is it an ongoing role?

My thoughts on that...

  • I'm glad on the first point! @Sanjay Garcia described the role as 'going home' and that really warms me ❤️

  • A survey/prioritization is likely the first phase of work

  • For the transition out of ops I can commit to seeing things to an end.

  • I don't intend to be the person everyone goes to for advising - that's neither scalable nor enjoyable work. Rather I will work to build capacity in others and spread the work around.

So what I propose...

  • To join the People & Culture team full time, effective Q3

  • Assess P&C priority areas and then implement the top few.

  • I'd like to use the title of VP People & Culture, so it is easy to understand by an external audience, and a descriptive of the work I do.

  • I'm keen on trying a 4 day week. I'll start by taking vacation days to see how it works, then use the WAAP (Work Adjustment Advice Process) to change my conditions.


Poll Created Tue 30 Aug 2022 5:53AM

Proposal for Chloe's RAP - Role Change Closed Fri 29 Sep 2023 4:00AM

I propose to join the People & Culture team full time, effective Q3.

  • Assess P&C priority areas and then implement the top few.

  • Title of VP People & Culture, so it is easy to understand by an external audience, and a descriptive of the work I do.

  • Try a 4 day week by taking vacation days to see how it works, then use the WAAP (Work Adjustment Advice Process) to change my conditions.


Results Option % of points Voters
Consent 100.0% 3 JD MW SG
Objection 0.0% 0  
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 2 TK VI

3 of 5 people have participated (60%)


Jaiyush Devi
Tue 30 Aug 2022 5:53AM

I think this is a great plan. Thanks Chloe! 👏


Sanjay Garcia
Tue 30 Aug 2022 5:53AM

Estoy muy emocionada de que estés asumiendo este papel.


Mary Wang
Tue 30 Aug 2022 5:53AM

You go girl! So proud of you!