Gathering #17 November 18, 2021 - Meeting Sergio, X-Net and Pantheon Work
A container for documentation and ripples from Informal Gathering #17

Ronen Hirsch Fri 26 Nov 2021 10:50AM
This gathering surprised me.
I felt that when Toni initiated it, I suspect that in his mind it was leaning towards the "consultancy" exploration. Instead, it took a turn towards crowdfunding.
There were some points that came up during the discussion that I felt could become potential explorations, but they did not feel vital enough to pursue and I felt that we were better off continuing the thread that wanted to emerge. This felt to me like a practice of letting go.
On the "consultancy" exploration I am left with these thoughts:
I have an impression (though I am happy to transform this into a question) that it is more likely to come together in an environment of physical proximity (like Toni & Sergio experience) and less likely to be effective in a remote environment (as we are operating).
The long-term relationship between Sergio and X-Net also made me question/reflect on the "consultancy" relationship. I was a consultant for a few years and in retrospect, it felt to me like a limited relationship - one that invites (relatively) superficial dynamics that do not penetrate deep enough. Sergio's story exemplified a long-lasting and meaningful relationship and so melted away the edges of my notions of "consultancy." I am left feeling that consultancy is primarily a financial relationship that leans towards a financially non-committal relationship.
If there is a "consultancy" potential in a work I still can't see it and would be happy if the people who do see it formed a kind of work-group within the crew to explore this potential.
The crowdfunding direction became a generative thread that continued to dominate the rest of the conversation:
There seems to be an "intuitive consensus" amongst the crew (excluding myself) that there is a potential to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars (and more) to support the making of the digital space.
For me, this generated a feeling of "crystallizing integration" of the objectives we agreed on for cycle 4 (money, colalboration and sharing of the GP).
The sharing of the GP transformed into a feeling that it is time to create a public presence for the crew and the GP. A public presence would allow us to broadcast our work and seed a digital community of interested and potentially vested people.
The one-on-one readings of the GP can continue, but at the moment I feel that would be better to do after a public presence is established. I feel this would allow for continued reverberations.
The public presence could lead to funding opportunities - be it crowdfunding or other strategies.
The public presence could help our inevitably nearing "recruitment" needs and efforts.
The combination of funding & recruitment is feeding into a latent center that has existed in my mind for some time: setting up the digital space as a coop (working on "Wholocracy seeded this center in my mind).
Thoughts about cooperative ownership are resonating with the potential of DAO's that Richard Bartlett has been exploring and writing about.
Thoughts about a CoOp/DAO are feeding into thoughts that came up in the last part of the conversation (when only Josh, Toni I were still online): gradual funding - instead of trying to raise (and then having to manage) a large fund, embarking on a journey of creation that on-boards both people and funding as the project expands.
This brings me to the present moment in the sense that the "Wholocracy" process itself may be a meaningful transformation in our unfolding and may already be "funding-worthy."
This, together with the experimentation on Obsidian/GIT has triggered in me thoughts about how to better organize our Github presence so that mature artifacts can be clearly framed and made publicly available into the "digital commons."
All this leaves me feeling that:
There is a lot to do ... a bit overwhelming.
That cycle4 may have ended and that we are at the doorway of cycle5 which is about creating an online presence.
That we need to start playing with the equity/contribution aspects of Wholocracy.
That if this going to come together, we are going to need to consciously and collectively work towards this with more attention and clarity.
Alex Rodriguez · Sat 20 Nov 2021 2:59AM
Leaving a comment to let you all know that I've watched the video! Looking forward to next steps around this together.