Sat 20 Jan 2018 3:56AM

Reading Group Logistics

MC Matthew Cropp Public Seen by 31

A thread for meeting scheduling, process discussion, etc.


Poll Created Sat 20 Jan 2018 3:58AM

What should the sub-group's privacy be set to? Closed Fri 26 Jan 2018 3:13AM

by Matthew Cropp Fri 26 Jan 2018 5:05AM

Looks like a significant majority favor public, so I will change the settings accordingly.


Results Option % of points Voters
Public (anyone can find and join the group) 83.3% 5 MC LS MK EM JT
Private (participants may apply, and must be approved by an admin) 16.7% 1 GSF
Secret (participants must be invited to the group) 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 4 MN MDB A M

6 of 10 people have participated (60%)

Vote removed

Leo Sammallahti Sun 21 Jan 2018 7:01AM

Public (anyone can find and join the group)

I would love to hear the reasoning for private those advocating private participation. I agree with Neil for the reasoning behind making this public.


Leo Sammallahti Sun 21 Jan 2018 7:02AM

Public (anyone can find and join the group)

I would be happy to hear the reasoning for private participation. I agree with Neil for the reasoning behind making this public.


Neil - @[email protected] Mon 5 Feb 2018 11:34PM

Reading through the logistics more closely ;) - as this is the first book, it seems a bit of a special case.

The lead time is 2 months per book.

Ordinarily, there would be a meeting every month. But not this time, as there's no previous book.
So the first discussion meeting is 2 months from now. However, we should still be picking the next book in 1 month.

* I'll schedule in a call two months from now
* I'll schedule in a poll for the next book 1 month from now

Does that sound right?

(I'll also schedule in some text chats, maybe once a fortnight, perhaps once a week if there's demand, and promote some discussion in Loomio/social.coop.)

Pointers welcome, first time doing this :)


Matt Noyes Tue 6 Feb 2018 12:07AM

Neil, sounds good.

Maybe the first meeting could be in a month, with a subsequent
lead time of two months?

It would be cool if we could have some kind of progress meter, so
we could track progress of the group members, not to pressure
people but to see where we all are...

Will we do chats on Matrix? Calls on Jitsi?


Neil - @[email protected] Tue 6 Feb 2018 11:12AM

A month would be fine for me - and the current book is quite short at 160 pages so that should be OK.

(As an aside, I'm still not certain though, is the plan for the group to discuss a book every month or every two months?)

I'll start a Loomio thread for the book in the Reading Group subgroup.

For progress I'll estimate what chapters we need to read each week to finish the book in time for the call.

Once a week I'll post a reminder to the thread saying 'How is everyone doing - managed to read those chapters' and then some kind of prelude to the chapters for the next week. And to perhaps summarise any async discussion that's taken place so far. People people can self-report progress if they would like to, but no pressure. Not too fussed about anything more technical than that. And everyone can of course read at their own pace - just a helpful reminder!

My thoughts on using different channels for discussion:
* Loomio thread: async chat, anyone can drop a comment or a question in any time they want
* mastodon: anyone fires off a toot about the book as they're reading through and thoughts come up, tag it with #readinggroup, encourages freeform discussion, but I suggest we keep an eye on it in case the local timeline just gets overloaded with reading group chat. Suggest that mastodon is more content based, Loomio more admin based. I'll post a weekly reminder on mastodon with a link to the Loomio thread where I've mentioned upcoming chapters.
* matrix - maybe a scheduled sync chat halfway through the month?
* jitsi - use it to host the call at the end of the month. I like jitsi but depending on the number of people planning to attend the call, we might need something more robust e.g. zoom.
* wiki - would be good to keep a record of our collective thoughts, so I'll try to capture the essence of the discussions and debates on the wiki and others can add/edit.

All of the above being optional of course, but there if people want to get involved.


Anyway, I'll get it started and we'll see how it evolves.


Matthew Cropp Tue 6 Feb 2018 8:48PM

I think roughly a book a month would be good, though if people feel that's too ambitious I'd be down for every other as well...


Erik Moeller Tue 6 Feb 2018 8:59PM

A month sounds good for this one. The first one will give us a good sense of our group velocity, and of course it's dependent on the book (# of pages, print size, academic vs. popular writing). So I suggest we determine the goal on a per-book basis.


Neil - @[email protected] Tue 6 Feb 2018 9:15PM

I've pencilled some tentative dates in for the call. Not sure we'll find one time that suits all as I get the impression we have a good spread across continents. One option could be - host two calls. It'd be good though first to get a picture of who would want to join a voice/video call, and timezone, so I'll start a check on that.

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