Fri 13 Mar 2020 2:41PM

Easy ways we could organise ourselves better?

BS Ben Stollery Public Seen by 44

Does anyone else feel that the way we're currently structured and organised is a big drain on our effectiveness? And that there might be some fairly straightforward changes we could adopt to really get us thriving?

Acknowledging of course the downsides, not least the many personal tragedies that will flow from it, It feels like we've got a real opportunity with the Coronavirus to make important parallels with the climate crises. The disruption which we've been trying to effect is being done for us by the pandemic. We can show how the solutions to the climate crisis have a parallel with a post Corona virus world. Economic relocalisation allows communities to be more self reliant in a crisis and 'oh look' it also cuts carbon. The Corona virus is showing up the vulnerabilities of a global economic system. The same global systems killing the planet.

For us to do this though, it's surely crucial that we evolve into a more effective, joined-up and transparent movement. Rebels are being frustrated in their wish to give all they can, and the movement is missing out on the collective intelligence of its members. Many find it opaque, overly complex and unwieldy, with information and decision-making bottlenecks and dead-ends. This is only going to be exacerbated by our need to migrate to a more online activism during the pandemic.

It is not enough to be working towards transparency, cohesion and democracy if a basic level is not in place. We got away with it in April, less so in October and know need to live by our P&V of 'reflecting and learning'. These characteristics are not ‘nice to haves’, they’re essential to a movement if it’s to operate effectively.

XR needs to get on top of its:

  • communication and information flows

  • decision-making structure

  • general transparency

  • making structure a servant to purpose...

There are lots of examples to draw on, from the municipalist movements in Spain, Bernie Sanders campaign in the USA, Rojava Kurds and a number of others.

As Mob Lab puts it: “Distributed organising is all about creating opportunities for supporters to take an active, meaningful role in the strategy and execution of a campaign — to feel a real sense of ownership over the issue at hand. When you build power in this way, the number of people passionately engaged in the cause grows, as does the number of pathways to leadership.” 

The SOS system is only sporadically understood or implemented and, in acknowledgement of this, SOS UK Circle is currently researching how the wider movement is actually organising and what its needs are, and why SOS structures are not being followed as much as the movement would like. 

I know Coronavirus has got all our attention right now, but can we be alive to opportunities to make these reforms over the coming weeks, as doing so has the potential to release a massive deal of energy, grow the movement and provide the springboard for our taking off as a movement post-virus.

If you support these ideas please get in touch and let's find a way to take them forward - and advice on how best to do this would also be welcome. (The XR Future Democracy Hub is also interested but let's get everyone with an interest involved. I'm posting this in a number of places and please share though perhaps advise that we all feedback to a central point - the current lack of which is perhaps another indication of our need to coalesce as a movement!). 



Ben Stollery Sat 14 Mar 2020 5:30PM

After some responses to this over on Basecamp XR Landing Page:
Thanks for your responses everyone. Perhaps we could wait another day or so to see who and what else comes back, and I'll feel in to how to take this forward. Apart from the main move which would be to consult as widely as possible (and please add your ideas on that or just do it), one idea off the top of my head is to create a shared doc or space somewhere for us to add specific ideas that will help the movement coalesce more - eg. newcomers be handed something in writing when they join offering practical guidance on where and how they communicate and contribute). Perhaps we could also begin to break down the big challenges into smaller or specific chunks - eg. providing a pathway for rebels to contribute what they want to contribute without having to first identify and move into a role that may or may not provide a way of offering it.


Ben Stollery Tue 17 Mar 2020 11:02PM

This thread continuing on Basecamp and FB XR News & Discussions groups - Good news from Digital Discussions that a new platform will be rolling out where you can put a call out to all on the platforms simultaneously. I made the point though that, where's the communication that it's happening? It'll potentially influence many other circles' operations and should be influencing their planning, but without their knowing about it, valuable energy and coordination opportunities might be lost.

My latest is that I'm working with colleagues in FDH to come up with some broad headings and questions, to take to a meeting of reps from all the UK Circles (+) to discuss this. And with SOS (Listening & Learning) sub-circle looking into how we can embed L&L into our structure so that the collective intelligence of all rebels is heard and is empowered. it would be great to bring in the voices of yourselves who are interested; I'll post any specific opportunities on these threads and other channels or contact me at bstollery@hotmail.com.