Visual Branding Core using Purple Spitting Phoenix

There is visual chaos.
Occupy is best when it uses asset based management & emergent design principles... Basically taking what you have and improvising a fun solution.
So let's occupy this.
looks like best plan of action is to spin designs off of the purple & orange one crafted by Ryan Griffin?
Idea would be to 'riff' off of his design with use of similar colors, font & design elements when possible.
Would not be a hard rule but would give a frame work for many designs to be produced that would all work together.
Simply using the same font would help alot.
Colors are: #5F098E #ED604E #EDB82C #E31904 #8223B5
Think this might work?

Justin Tue 22 Apr 2014 1:30AM
This is Occupy there can be no 'Main' design. We're already using that one- cat is outta bag. it's our visual branding to the public.
It is not using same image, but using that image to set the flavor & style sheet of future efforts-
You could make ANYTHING as long as it used 1 or two of similar elements.. like same font, same saying & maybe one matching color.

Sally G Tue 22 Apr 2014 1:33AM
@Justin You type, “We’re already using that one- cat is outta bag. it’s our visual branding to the public.” Are you referring to the purple phoenix? If so, that is true—but we are also using others here.

Tricia Tue 22 Apr 2014 1:41AM
It says something that all of us who have chosen a thumbnail have chosen the Phoenix. I think there's lots of room in the parameters that Justin outlined. I think cohesive visual presence is going to make it easier on the viewer.
I found this image from the Suffragettes. They used almost the same Gold and Purple in their graphics 101 years ago.

Jackie Tue 22 Apr 2014 2:25AM
Love that! yeah, but their colors are lot softer. I'm kinda feeling the sunrise Mary (or someone in allstr33ts) created - the pastels.
but love Justin's framework idea. I think the sunrise can be played with - more purply and the phoenix muted some - and even the sharp black/blue one can go with more purple and softer edges.

Justin Tue 22 Apr 2014 3:00AM
Think of the original as a flavor you can use to blend all designs in some way together.

Jackie Tue 22 Apr 2014 3:18AM
also feeling the sun goes together with Cal-i-forn-i-A,
(even though it's supposed to be rising and it sets in ca.)
the phoenix is rising over the sun, or pulling it, or us together into a sun, a light.
and the blue/black one has the wide view of sun rising over the earth

Tricia Wed 23 Apr 2014 7:01PM
It'd be cool if the logo was simple and descriptive. The shape of a rising sun can be used many ways but it and The Phoenix are not easily recognizable as protest or as a visual story like the Ballerina on the Wall St. Bull.
The raised fist was also a symbol that was discussed and that's what informed Brian H's rendering of the first image of the multi-colored fists raised

Kerri Wed 23 Apr 2014 11:07PM
i like the phoenix very much, and it does follow the "bird theme" of NG1 and NG2. i like playing off the colors and font to keep it different yet coordinated. i don't care for the pastel sun at all, personally. nothing about it says "action" or "occupy" or any other image i have for what we are planning to do with NG3. how about a fist meme in the color and font style of the phoenix?

Bobby Thu 24 Apr 2014 12:01AM
can one be made with the hashtag #NATGAT2014 instead of or inclusive with #NG3
Sally G · Tue 22 Apr 2014 1:19AM
But that is not necessarily our main design; the Facebook planning page uses the design done by the artists who are creating the “guru”—a.k.a. pamphbook, or guidebook. It seems from Facebook that it is horizontal enough to be the design for the donation page. The phoenix has been our Twitter image, which is great. I don’t think we need to be constrained by working off a single image.