Sun 17 Mar 2024 11:37PM

Behaviour Support Plan Templates

RH Rob Hosking Public Seen by 14

To improve compliance and consistency in approach: Should the Behaviour Support Team use a standardised Behaviour Support Plan Template. If so, should this be the NDIS' new Behaviour Support Plan template, or a Jeder version that covers everything in this template. Or should individual practitioners retain the right to continue to develop and use a template of their choosing?


Poll Created Sun 17 Mar 2024 11:47PM

Behaviour Support Templates Closed Thu 28 Mar 2024 11:00PM

What Behaviour Support Template should we use?

To improve compliance and consistency in approach.

Select from the following:


Results Option % of points Voters
Jeder version of NDIS Template 42.9% 3 ST DC HH
Individualised template of your choosing 42.9% 3 JE TP PE
NDIS Behaviour Support Plan template 14.3% 1 RH
Undecided 0% 11 MD DB DU JIS SB CP NM CC JS SS

7 of 18 people have participated (38%)


Rob Hosking Sun 17 Mar 2024 11:47PM

NDIS Behaviour Support Plan template

I think the new NDIS templates are really great. It will help us to improve consistency and standardise our approach - using these template. Plus, a lot of work has gone into them to ensure they are best practice.


Tess Pollard Sun 17 Mar 2024 11:47PM

Individualised template of your choosing

I'm a bitta column a, b and c. I think the NDIS templates are great as well, but think we should Jederise them and be able to tailor them to the individual and our own professional practices (e.g. an implementation table makes sense to my service delivery). I feel like it seems impersonal and unimaginative just using the NDIS Template straight up. I also think there should be consistency across Jeder BiS. Sorry for the convoluted answer 😬


Hugo Hayes Sun 17 Mar 2024 11:47PM

Jeder version of NDIS Template

My sense is that the reports at a minimum need to be consistent in the general look/feel to ensure that it's clearly Jeder BSP's. The content of them however will vary based on participant and BIS thoughts. Does it need to include all of the NDIS template stuff - no, just what is relevant to the participant and their situation.


Jason Emmins Sun 17 Mar 2024 11:47PM

Individualised template of your choosing

I think its important that all the important aspects of a BSP are covered (as Aleks says the ingredients). It could be upto the individual pracs judgement about how this is presented (i.e. if in one document or separate BSP and FBAR or Combined). It would be good to get consistency/agreement and then start to implement.

I think this topic has been going on for too long without a decision.


Hugo Hayes Mon 18 Mar 2024 5:13AM

This is the one I am running at the moment, which is a culmination of the Jeder template created by Dane and Tess, as well as the new NDIS templates and our new risk assessment matrix in the appendix as per the new BoC Risk Assessment docs. It can easily be converted into an interim plan by removing the sections as per the comments, or kept as a comprehensive (by deleting the stuff commented as being for the interim). It could be modified easily to be separated into a BAR (by removing the strategies section) and BSP (by removing the functional assessment section). The formatting is clean and consistent throughout, should have no errors, and it has a table of contents built in. I vary it to each participant but it helps me to maintain consistent clean Jeder branding across my reports.


Pennie Eddy Mon 18 Mar 2024 6:53AM

@Hugo Hayes, I quiet like this template. I'm not a fan at all of a combined BAR and BSP but otherwise it looks pretty good :)


Sharon Tierney Tue 16 Apr 2024 11:27PM

@Hugo Hayes thanks for sharing the Jeder version of this template. I really like it.


Aleks Jovanovic Mon 18 Mar 2024 8:50AM

Thanks Rob, I don't want to choose just one of the three options. 😊 I agree with all the comments so far. If we were to prioritise content over appearance I would start with basic appearance (headers, footers, logo etc). However I would prioritise focus on personalised content and ensuring that all the essential ingredients were in the BSP (The comprehensive BSP checklist is a useful tool for that). Great topic.


Clemmie Wotherspoon Tue 16 Apr 2024 4:33AM

Hi! Sorry to be a pain.. but can someone please advise me on how to vote in the poll? I've tried a few ways but I when I click on it, nothing happens.

My vote is for Jeder-ised versions of the NDIS template. I've been using the newest NDIS template and I think it's great.

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