Media Coordination Proposal *Revised*
Revised October 2019
(Please see attachment for linked content and details)
This is a project proposal to develop communications and collaborations across e-NABLE chapters and with the general public. It is organized into 7 activities, each with 3 components. These activities, once established, should coordinate and sustain communications from the community.
Over the past 9 months, the e-NABLE community wrestled with several obstacles that limited communications, collaboration, and growth. The dissolution of the online home on Google+ as well as shifting priorities within the core team lead to stagnant media channels and community members expressing concerns of feeling disconnected. At the same time, the e-NABLE universe continued to expand with most of the activity outside of any cohesive or easy-to-follow network.
We have explored several community platforms, a newsletter revival, video webinars, large events, collaborative project mapping, and visual storytelling. All have promise, but the coordination of our communications will be key. Coordinated communications and collaborative storytelling could give community members and chapters access to a broad range of e-NABLE activities. Like bees with the flowers, regular media practices will cross-pollinate projects, support and highlight efforts and autonomy of local leaders, promote alignment, growth and efficacy, and provide resources for reporting, grants, fundraising, and continuing partnerships.
In the past, $1500/month was designated for Jen Owen to develop It seems reasonable to use this precedent to set a monthly budget across 3 quarters with the goal of establishing sustainable communications practices that can be maintained by community members. After the first quarter, a progress report will allow the community to review achievements and decide whether or not to continue the funding.
Our proposed process involves regular measurement and adjustment. Each of the seven core activities include metrics that can be monitored and adjusted as needed. Whereas traditional organizations typically employ a designated Director of Communications, we will explore a communications recipe that can be followed successfully by current and future cooks in the e-NABLE kitchen. We hope to evolve from a demonstration of best practices by one chef into a smoothly running "cooperative kitchen".
Content Creation
Online Articles, Visual Materials, and ReportingCoordinate Open Media
Hub Partnerships, Theme Direction, Model ProjectsCommunity Facilitation
Team Training, Co-Authorship, Targeted DistributionModerate News Cycles
Weekly, Monthly, QuarterlyTracking Activity
Data Activity, Funding Activity, DisseminationMarketing Models
Membership, Donor Relations, CampaignsCommunications Strategy
Platform, Educational, Accessibility
Jen Owen
Mon 14 Oct 2019 10:20PM
See my comment. I think we should try reaching for volunteers first and then revisit if that flops on it's face!
Leland Green
Tue 15 Oct 2019 9:04AM
It would be nice to have people asking me about e-NABLE rather than me telling them. So I think it's a great idea!
Richard VanderMey
Tue 15 Oct 2019 3:08PM
Large amount of money, but if it's good enough for Jeremy, Jon, and Skip it's go enough for me. Will we get a report on the expenditures, and the success of the program?
Michael Bowman
Tue 15 Oct 2019 6:34PM
I would like to know, how many hours would be committed to this per month.
Adam Armfield
Wed 16 Oct 2019 1:36PM
It is a lot of money and i do like jens suggestions to complement the worl. (we could run our chapter with rent, employee , material and patient travel costs for close to 6 months if you look at 1500 dollars a month for a year). However if it raises more awareness of all our work and this leads to more fundraising to be shared amongst valid proposals than i am all for it. Could fundraising associated with these comms be assessed on a quarterly or half yearly basis?
Chad Coarsey
Thu 17 Oct 2019 11:34PM
Contact me [email protected]
Rodrigo Savage
Fri 18 Oct 2019 12:36AM
I like the idea and the proposal. This is a full time Job! and Ben has a great talent to share! count me in! can help with the tech side.
Fri 18 Oct 2019 2:22AM
Agree that some media coordination is needed., but I don't think the proposal has enough detail to match the funding request. Outreach/cultivating relationships with press people is missing. That takes time. Sustaining model feels like an idea, rather than a model- is there one paid cook, indefinitely? I'd like to see how the funds will be allocated and deliverables that will come from them. I'd switch to Agree if these were addressed.
Saiph Savage
Fri 18 Oct 2019 2:59AM
love the idea!
Thanos Mitzifiris Fri 4 Oct 2019 4:41PM
I really like the idea and the proposal. Firstly I tottaly agree with the necessity of Media coordination. Secondly the amount of the money that will be adressed to the Coordinator is logical as communication and coordination demands full time work.
However I want to focus on the following:
I really can understand the content of the activities and I would like more details. The description is too general, f.e. What specific tools are going to be used? What are the other resources ( people, time)? How will sustain and maintain these practises after the 9 months? What exactly will be the outputs?
In my opinion coordination needs cooporation of many people worldwide and is essential to have a project managment team consisted of people from the e-Nable Chapters being more active and experienced.
I repeat that I really like the idea and I am 100% in to it, but I would like more details. I really don't want to be misunderstood and as others said maybe I missing sth. That's why I believe a well planed and organized description will clarify shady points.
Ben Mon 7 Oct 2019 1:51AM
@christiand1 -
Feel free to add in any technology suggestions via the comments section here. We currently use several services (Benchmark, Humhub, etc). The proposal aims to utilize them and bring more community members into the mix. What seems most important is to have tools that everyone can use.
@danceupon -
If the proposal is approved, we start with the first quarter, followed by the funding of the two later quarters only if the progress looks promising. As I wrote in the proposal: "After the first quarter, a progress report will allow the community to review achievements and decide whether or not to continue the funding."
The requested funds are intended to create a temporary part-time position, although I expect the initial weeks to incur more than a part-time schedule. I will be doing other research and likely working on projects outside of this proposal to make ends meet. The project will be managed by me and guided by input from all the chapters and local leaders. There is currently no funding for additional staffing. The aim of the project is to develop resources and create a system that is self-supporting. All materials created for the project would follow the same open source license as other e-NABLE projects.
@adamarmfield & @thanosmitzifiris
I gave an abbreviated project overview on Loomio but more detail for the plan and deliverables is in the attached proposal - the file on Drive is significantly longer and includes links to a timeline guide for evaluation. There are several examples of projects from earlier this year. Yes, the projects completed with chapters will help them to share their work within the community and with their individual donors.
The long-term outputs would be a system to maintain communications within the community of volunteers, a community kitchen model vs. an executive chef model. Together we will prototype a process through this project to design a regular menu - something that satisfies our needs and isn't overly complicated to prepare. I've detailed some examples in the attachment, like the newsletter, and included an example on Loomio (project detailed on Hub: There are others I've proposed as well, like a chapter spotlight series which is at the bottom of the document in the 'e-NABLE PORTFOLIO SAMPLES' section (project detailed on Hub: The activities fit together to support reporting and campaigns. The components to the project will be detailed online, and the Hub allows for open feedback on the process. In the end, the output is the process and a group of experienced community members who know how to contribute to keep it going. We currently have a wonderful group of folks from chapters around the world collaborating on their research, so we'll aim to pull the comms ingredients together and try out some new recipes that could be replicated by volunteers.
Let me know if I have adequately answered your questions. Thanks for taking the time to ask!
Jen Owen Mon 14 Oct 2019 10:18PM
Thank you for posting this and making a request for this Ben.
For years and years, I have asked for help in sharing the stories of our community for the blog. It grew so fast that there was no way for me to keep up with blogging on top of the numerous other things I was doing.
As @jonschull stated earlier, the $1500 a month was not just for keeping up with blogging. It also included the time I spent daily answering emails, communicating with news media, managing the social media channels, helping connect recipients and makers, helping scouts find resources or connect to volunteers who could guide them, helping volunteers who have my personal social media or email addresses, trying to blog, investigavive reporting, putting together design challenges and running them, reaching out to schools, etc. :)
I guess I would challenge this proposal on the amount being asked for as I feel like if we had some dedicated volunteers who would commit to writing at least one blog post a week or bi-weekly and we had 2-3 people who were willing to do the reporting - we could have myself and those volunteers tasked with committing to donating our time to sharing a story every 10-14 days and continue to grow the blog and get those chapter stories out there.
Volunteers who do the blogging with me or for newsletter stories that can also be included on the blog for more reach - would be committing to about 8 hours a week or less for volunteer work.
I can make whoever would like to try writing stories for the website - into editors for the blog and they can upload their content directly to the website to be reviewed by Jeremy and I as admins before posting, knowing it may be edited here and there as needed.
I can make and official "About our authors" page to give those writers proper credit on the website as well.
I feel like a lot of these tasks can be and would be picked up by volunteers who for years have been eager to help but just didn't know what was available. As we discussed at the conference this weekend, putting our "asks" out there and having people sign up to fill those roles and give them a sense of helping may be exactly what we need more than to try to find people to pay for these roles.
I think we should really try asking for help from the global community in a blog post on ETF where anyone outside of the Loomio or HUB can see our asks and step up.
There are a lot of retired teachers and various others who would love to be able to use their skills and donate some time to help. I think we should give them a chance to volunteer before we ask for money to pay a select few to do this work.
Jon Schull Tue 15 Oct 2019 4:05AM
@Jen Owen I agree we should again try asking for help from the global community in a blog post on ETF and elsewhere. But that's complementary to this proposal.
I think we have learned over the years that dedicated volunteers who can/will commit to doing anything week after week is not something we can count on. (Bob Rieger and Jeremy Simon are exceptional exceptions).
Besides, this proposal is not primarily about writing stories. It's about coordinating and integrating a whole array of resources. It could bring new content to ETF but also create cross-movement processes and tools that can outlive Ben's (or any specific individual's) involvement.
We clearly need something like this, and although it might not work, Ben's proposal includes means and the opportunity for evaluating whether the results warrant continuing the cost.
I hope we give this a go. We have the money, the need, and a uniquely qualified individual whose skills complement those of the usual suspects.
Chad Coarsey Thu 17 Oct 2019 11:08PM
Can we try a soft approachfor now and maybe roll out full in Q2 2020-Q3 2020. I think we need to talk more about roles and facilitators. At some point there needs to be a few "keyholders" to guide the groups and to moderate if needed.
Ben Fri 18 Oct 2019 1:22AM
@jenowen - Thanks for taking the time for such a thoughtful response. :)
The proposal is aimed to develop common resources that would help with blogging but also in other ways, like reporting and campaigns. It will consider design systems too, like icons and visual language that can be used by any chapter. Most importanty, it will only by successful if it can continue without me, so creating clear documentation on the processes that work will be as important as finding solutions. You've done a wonderful job with the storytelling on ETF, and hopefully this project will help you and your ETF volunteers as well as others sharing their stories on chapter sites and in the Hub. I totally agree that putting our "asks" out there is the best way to encourage communities to become involved. It supports decentralized contributions, and by leaning in that direction we can open the door for more voices within e-NABLE. I'm not sure that will happen without scaffolding, so I designed a process based on the experiences I had working for an NGO these last 2 years building common materials and activities between sites across 3 continents. With the vast community and talent pool within e-NABLE organizations, a system of resources seems even more valuable to help align our shared activities. Once we have a simple communications menu for the community kitchen, it's easier to pitch in, to be creative, and to find something for everyone.
@richardvandermey & @adamarmfield - There will be a quarterly report to cover the activities. It's an open process - i'll share my thoughts in the report and it will be up to the community to evaluate the results. The financial take-away is limited if you crunch the numbers, i'll need to be working alongside this project to make enough to sustain myself. I'm not retired and have no parallel business model. I've been volunteering with e-NABLE since February on communications projects and have been inspired by several of the distributed systems in place. I was encouraged to look at ways to grow more sustainable communications so I put this proposal together for something that can live on through our changing cast of characters.
@chadcoarsey1 - I sent an email. It would be great to develop media collaborations in the same way that hands are developed and shared, as a federation.
@rodrigosavage - I'll definitely take you up on your offer for the tech collabs!
Ben Fri 18 Oct 2019 5:06PM
@shashi - The attached proposal has details that were trimmed out of the summary on Loomio, detailing deliverables. You'll find it at the bottom as a link to Google Drive. The project spans 3 quarters with quarterly reviews and is not intended to be recurring. The purpose of the project is not to rely on one person for communications or a traditional paid position but see if we can develop the resources to maintain our audience with a stream of authors that could be moderated easily, but also pool into reporting and campaigns. Good point on the press. While most of my focus is on cultivating internal development from the e-NABLE community, the 6th step 'Marketing Models' looks at membership, donor relationships, and campaigns. Individual chapters are usually on the frontlines with the press, and since we don't have a central 'official' chapter ruling the others, I was more interested in exploring supporting materials for chapters to leverage their public press appearances from the background. Let me know if this and the attached proposal details answer your questions, and thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and vote!
Ben Mon 21 Oct 2019 3:26PM
Ahoy e-NABLE community,
With the approval of the Media Coordination proposal, this week begins the first quarter of activities (continuing into January 2020 before the 1st review). For project updates, please follow the space in the Hub. I’ll be adding weekly updates, so stay tuned!
Please send all related ideas, suggestions, and friendly criticisms to [email protected]
Jon Schull Mon 21 Oct 2019 3:28PM
[email protected] cell: 585-738-6696 skype:jonschull
e-NABLE ( ): volunteers worldwide making free, 3D printed prosthetics
Innovation Fellow, JMK Innovation Fund ( )
Ben Thu 19 Mar 2020 10:36PM
Hello Community!
I am proud to share the progress report on the Media Coordination Project which was approved on Loomio in October. It documents my activities since mid-October. If any links are protected, please email me directly for access.
This is an effort guided by feedback. I look forward to learning from you! Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions or ideas.
Bob Rieger Fri 20 Mar 2020 1:33PM
Ben, your progress report is most comprehensive, and you have done an incredible job! We are a much better community today because of your efforts. I look forward to continuing to work with you as we further improve our communication, coordination and outreach!
Ben Sat 8 Aug 2020 2:28AM
Hello Loomio Community,
I have been encouraged to submit an extension to the media coordination project. I have drafted a simple proposal with a selection of work from the past months. It has not been the Spring and Summer anyone expected, but we have adapted and seen a huge collective effort from our community to rise to the occasion. The initiatives chosen have been in part defined by the Strategic Planning Committee, so I would like to thank them for their feedback and support. I am open to suggestions, and invite anyone within the community to share ideas and join in the efforts. I will open this as an official poll beginning Monday after considering the comments for any changes. Thanks for your time!
Bob Rieger Sat 8 Aug 2020 12:33PM
I believe Ben is a tremendous asset to the community, and has accomplished much over the past 9 months. Our communication has been greatly improved due to his efforts, and our continual efforts to improve global coordination and fellowship have made progress. I wholeheartedly support a renewal of his paid role within e-NABLE!
Jon Schull Sun 9 Aug 2020 1:56PM
I’m ready to vote and promote! Ben does things volunteers can’t or won’t do. He makes important contributions, recruits and nurtures and supports new leaders, and brings his own sensibilities and extensive experience to bear. Engaging Ben has brought us to a new level and created a foundation on which we can build. Onward!
Poll Created Tue 11 Aug 2020 2:16AM
Media Coordination | Extension Closed Mon 17 Aug 2020 3:01AM
This proposal has been unanimously approved! Thanks to everyone who voted!
While the COVID emergency disrupted our plans during the two last Quarters, a lot was accomplished through close coordination with the Enable Strategic Planning Committee (SPC). The community has grown through the crisis and adapted in significant ways. With this in mind, the SPC and I have defined a new set of priorities for activities aimed at sustaining community engagement. A breakdown of the proposed activities are included below, as well as the Extension Document which is open for comments.
Effort will be placed on programs that can extend after the project funding concludes. As an extension of the Media Coordination Project, the same monthly budget and hours invested is proposed. The project has been slated as part time, or about 20 hours a week. I have proposed the extension for two quarters: Summer Q3 2020 and Fall Q4 2020. It covers $1500/month following the previous project structure.
For Q4-Q1 results, please see the Results & Timeline Summary. For a monthly selection of contributions Q1-Q2, please view the Extension Document.
NEXT: Q3 & Q4
Corporate Sponsorship
Chapter Needs Space
Social Media Campaign & Branding
Volunteer Coordination
Hub Activities
Developer Projects
IBM AI (Hub Archive & Topics)
Enabling Education
Website Archive
Committee Organization
Badges & Marketing
Results | Option | % of points | Voters | |
Agree | 100.0% | 25 | |
Abstain | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Disagree | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Block | 0.0% | 0 | ||
Undecided | 0% | 260 |
25 of 285 people have participated (8%)
Saiph Savage
Tue 11 Aug 2020 2:17AM
I would like to strongly support this . This is key to grow the e-NABLE community and ensure we deliver quality services globally. I feel this is key to show the impact that e-nable is having and raise even more funds for e-nable. Onward and Upward!
Jon Schull
Tue 11 Aug 2020 2:17AM
Let's do this!
Lyndsey Wells
Fri 14 Aug 2020 4:38PM
You're an exceptionally talented, supportive and devoted hard worker. You continually seek to achieve and highlight greatness among the e-NABLE community. We're extremely lucky to have your guidance. You help us thrive. Thank you, friend! Keep up the great work. 🙌
Nate Munro
Tue 11 Aug 2020 2:17AM
I can attest that having Ben as Media Coord has been a major asset for the community. He has spearheaded many efforts this year that otherwise wouldn't have happened and he does so much more than he's asking to be paid for. With writing grant proposals for the community on top of everything else, this is a no-brainer IMO. Great job Ben and thanks for all that you do for us!!
Anthony Rork
Sat 15 Aug 2020 12:21AM
I think Ben and his work is very important for expanding E-Nable both nationally/globally. Keep it up!
Will McCaffrey
Tue 11 Aug 2020 2:17AM
This seems like a worthwhile investment, great work so far Ben. Branding guidelines and corporate sponsorship are particularly important in my opinion.
Rich B
Tue 11 Aug 2020 2:17AM
Like many, our chapter has been totally immersed in the printing of PPE’s. We have added members, increased our 3D printer count by 5 more CraftBot’s and have ordered 2 more this week. All achieved by great local donors and neighbors. As chapter president I have devoted little time to other activities outside chapter functions. The administration of e-NABLE activities and coordination of functions is critical to keeping an open path to growth and improvement. WE support this project.
Teri Sanor
Sun 16 Aug 2020 2:04AM
i am thrilled to be able to support this extension of previous work as well as a grand plan to expand the organization. Ben Rubin is a dedicated e-Nable person already, a great talent we are lucky to have want to do this intensive work to make e-Nable more sustainable in the future. He sees key issues quickly and is very thorough as can be seen by his descriptions of this project.
Ben Tue 11 Aug 2020 2:50AM
I've added a 7 part FAQ to the document based on @Jeremy Simon 's suggestions. It includes the following clarifications, and several others:
The project has been slated as part time, or about 20 hours a week. During the COVID crisis, I was putting in full time hours, so I can adapt my schedule to meet the needs of the week.
The project is proposed for two quarters: Summer Q3 2020 and Fall Q4 2020.
The proposal covers $1500/month following the previous project structure.
Please comment with any other questions and ideas you have!
Adam Armfield · Fri 4 Oct 2019 2:14PM
I like the idea in principle and as Bob Mentions it would be nice to see some deliverables as i think they have been key in other proposals. Would there be a media plan, packages etc to attract more donors to individual as well as the core enable chapters?