Fri 23 Jan 2015 6:20PM


MM Mike McLaughlin Public Seen by 104

Feb 3rd - NE Angels
Visa - federal issue, but Governor should weigh in.
CT - 25% investment tax credit to people who put money in to a new start up
could be geographically targeted
investments have moved to CT for tax credit; locked down there
- follow up with Paul for specific examples
Create tax credit to incentive individuals and organizations to invest in start-ups

Alliances with universities

Collaboration at municipal level on how information / technology / data / software are managed.
Many towns are not data secure.
How to build incentive to collaborate and regionalize.
Pilot programs for software applications that are other wise prohibitively expensive. Allow companies to donate.

Free wifi in gateway cities; bialecki was working in springfield. large companies were willing to support.
proposal was airport style wifi.

permitting for innovation districts. ex - decreasing complexity of permitting process.

springfield has a lot of buildings that are in disrepair. Developer can't justify cost; entrepreneur can't meet code. Not right capital stack to make them market rate. So building sits vacant and can never be re-developed. Ironically, many in attractive locations. tax credit or subsidy to help fill capital stack.

Engage local governments in gateway cities.
Buy-in for state-wide enabling legislation. People don't realize complexity of permitting for development. Single-point permitting for development should happen at state-wide level. Statewide definition of co-working space.

Another example - medical device tax. bio & healthcare - regulatory issues. how start-ups are able to deal with regulatory funding impacts ability to get funding.

Have to separately report hires to MA and social services - should be one. MA regulation of professions - barbers, artists, reduce number of certifications. non-transfer-ability of professional experience in to MA.

Other groups that are stakeholders in success of education economy - educators,
I.E. forum / vehicle
lobbying vs community building