Fri 10 Apr 2020 6:41PM

Problem of translation

J J.G. Public Seen by 105

Hi everyone,

I recently switched to the docker 2.1.3 image.

Since this update the voting options remain all in English even if I switch my profile language to French and English. It didn't do that before.

Any idea how to fix this?



Robert Guthrie Thu 7 May 2020 7:26PM

That's great. Finally eh?

I'm not sure what you mean when you say:

I propose myself if it can interest you to share with you as I did there of my tests. What do you think about it?

I would love to get more support with translations. But don't translate on github, you need to register on transifex, which streamlines the process and provides extra functions.

Thanks again


J.G. Thu 7 May 2020 9:21PM

Ah, I'll give you a bug report every time I see one. I'm trying to follow the stable branch versions as well as possible and I thought it might interest you to get feedback on what works and what doesn't. I'm trying to keep you informed about what's going on in the stable branch.

I've made a good note for the translation, I'll create an account in this case.


Robert Guthrie Thu 7 May 2020 9:24PM

Wonderful. I'll support as I can.


Stephanie Jo Kent Sun 10 May 2020 3:08PM

Happy to see work in language accessibility:)