Now live in production: EarthArXiv moderators receive notice of new submissions
Hello everyone,
We recently became aware that Moderators were not receiving email notifications when a new submission had been made to EarthArXiv. A fix for this issue is live. (Thanks @Manish Pandey for confirming!)
Example notification:
Subject: Preprint Submission
From: Submitting Author
Body: A new Preprint has been submitted to eScholarship Publishing: [TITLE]
(Notification template to be improved!)
Please note: Preprint Moderators will continue to not receive a notification about a new version submission. This is a known issue.
Let us know if Moderators experience any issues with the notifications.
Warm regards,
Alainna (eScholarship/CDL)
Tom Narock Thu 27 Oct 2022 3:56PM
Is there a way to disable this feature? If possible, I'd like to cut down on emails and just log in periodically to look at the queue.
Rebecca Williams Thu 27 Oct 2022 4:48PM
Hi! I am no longer a moderator and am recieving these notifications. Please can my email be removed from this feature? Many thanks.
Alainna Wrigley Thu 27 Oct 2022 7:53PM
@Rebecca Williams Thanks for the notice; we can (and have) removed you as moderator.
@Tom Narock Currently there doesn't appear to be a method of disabling the feature (will look into that). We're planning a round of feature requests for improving moderator notifications as well. (My aim is to circulate these within the fortnight for feedback from EarthArXiv and EcoEvoRxiv.) It's a shame that we had not noticed this bug before the 2020 launch, especially since the workflow has been working well for EarthArXiv since then.
It would be good to get your feedback on how Janeway moderators notifications can be improved. Some ideas thus far:
Option to disable all moderator notifications at the server level
Option to disable certain types of moderator notifications at the moderator level
Option for "summary" or "digest" moderator notifications at the moderator or server level
Other more granular notification options... ?
Christopher Jackson · Thu 27 Oct 2022 10:11AM
Just to confirm, I’ve got a couple of new submission notifications.