Thu 28 Nov 2019 1:00AM

Branding for this umbrella organisation

P pospi Public Seen by 63

With a new tool to set up comes a new set of resources to be created :P

  • the group needs a name

  • logo image

  • cover photo (I guess shrug)

  • description / mission statement


pospi Thu 28 Nov 2019 1:09AM

It might actually be worth pulling "naming" off into a separate thread, because that's a longer and slower discussion...
But OK looks like you can't fork threads in Loomio 2.0 so umm I will start a new unlinked one then I guess!


jean m russell Tue 10 Dec 2019 12:01AM

Being dorky, I propose: ΣC0N0MIKI+


pospi Fri 28 Feb 2020 2:50AM