
Fostering talent of security and law enforcement professionals through human resources reforms


How to foster talent of security and law enforcement professionals in the Western Balkans?

  • Do security institutions and law enforcement agencies in your countries attract the best candidates for the job? What is a profile of typical police officer in your country based on your research or public opinion surveys?
  • How is promotion and career development managed? What are the greatest risks to keeping the best security professionals in the job?
  • Are there any good practices of promotion of most qualified and effective professionals with integrity?
  • Are there any differences among security (armed forces, intelligence services) and law enforcement institutions (police, customs, tax police...) in your country?
  • Upload your or others research and analysis on these topics

Daniel Trenchov Tue 10 Apr 2018 9:16PM

Given that the security institutions (in the most general framework) are sub-category within a national system of governance, implementing appropriate human resources security policy is a sine qua non prerequisite for maintaining and further developing of a resilient national security system.
The security services in the Western Balkans need:
- To build a comprehensive HR security strategies encompassing HR security standards, procedures and guidelines; they must be developed in national security context, in the context of the specific security environment of the Western Balkan region and in compliance with the detected and forecasted security threats. Determining its scope (to which security institutions will be applied) and longevity (time framework due to the rapid development of the security threats) are constitutive elements that must be taken in consideration.
- To introduce additional mechanisms and requirements for recruiting and selecting the best security professionals. Aside from conducting a mandatory security vetting procedures and consequently granting a security clearance to appropriate access level, the security services in the Western Balkans have also the necessity of incorporating such mechanisms. In addition to the rigorous recruitment and selection processes, the HR departments within the security institutions are of a dire need of implementing career preparation, development, and assessment tools.
- To craft generic (for all security professionals) and specialized (according to the nature of the security institution) national training programs for maintaining and raising the security awareness among the security professionals. Relying on an efficient and cost-effective model of providing consistent HR security training, the final outcome would be maintained security awareness, robust security hygiene and mitigated or eliminated security risks.
- To reinvigorate and to speed up their mtual cooperation especially within the intermediate neighborhood including the exchange of security/intelligence information.