Expanding Organizing Circle
Do we want to expand organizing circle and why?
Kathe TB Tue 7 May 2024 2:33PM
I'm in favor of asking the working groups for two member representation, espeically if we like this updates format as a way to pass information around the organization.
I don't know that this address the open at large seat left by Jon A, do we need to have another sortion process to fill that seat or is there an existing alternate that we could tap from the last round?

MarieVC (social.coop/@MarieVC) Mon 13 May 2024 3:54PM
Two members from each WG + members who volunteered during the sortition process, this seems to me to be a good way of ensuring that the OC group has enough participants for the duration of the mandate and to ensure the transition with the members of the next mandate.

Matt Noyes Wed 5 Jun 2024 5:00AM
I think for now we should recruit one of the people who volunteered in the sortition process to replace Jon. I think asking another member from each WG member to join the OC may be asking too much of them. It is hard to keep up with two WGs (although Flan seems to handle it ;-)
Kathe TB Fri 7 Jun 2024 12:59AM
4 June Recap: Organizing circle mostly discussed the possibility of onboarding new members into the organizing circle. We didn't come to a decision and instead identified trade-offs between just filling the empty At-Large seat and asking for working circles to consider sending 2 members. We had already asked for a second member from Finance WC in previous meetings and hopefully they will join us next call. Trade-offs identified include double linked working circles redundant reporting, larger groups leading to slower decisions, and asking more time from members already volunteering.
Kathe TB · Tue 7 May 2024 2:31PM
Expanding Working Group representation
We've floated an idea for expanding working group representation in the past and we now have a need to replace Jon A as well. Is there the capacity in the working groups to support an additional member on the Organizing Circle? This would provide redundancy in communication between the OC and WGs.