Sun 16 Jun 2024 6:50AM

Board meeting 2024-06-07

JB John Bryant Public Seen by 8

Hi all, sorry for the delay, I was travelling & super busy this past week. Thanks to Ewen for updating the meeting notes, they are ready for your review here. Please have one last look to see if anything needs to be added/changed before we post a vote to approve (COB Monday?).

Ewen has re-jigged the actions table to include previous & new actions, let us know what you think.

One thing that might be missing: I'm sure we talked about the election process, but I see no mention of it in here apart from a new action in the list. Would be good to add a couple of notes if anyone can recall?

Anything else missing?




Jonah Sullivan Sun 16 Jun 2024 9:21AM

Looks good to me! Thanks for doing it.


Dorothy Pion Mon 17 Jun 2024 1:50AM

Thank you John and Ewen for this. Looks good from my end. cheers


Poll Created Mon 17 Jun 2024 9:38AM

Approve meeting minutes 20240607 Closed Fri 21 Jun 2024 9:00AM

by John Bryant Sat 22 Jun 2024 2:20AM

Minutes approved.

Please review the attached meeting minutes. Do you approve these as a record of the meeting?


Results Option % of points Voters
Yes 100.0% 7 AL JB JS EP EH R DP
No 0.0% 0  
More discussion required 0.0% 0  
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 2 AC RM

7 of 9 people have participated (77%)


Ewen Hill Mon 17 Jun 2024 9:38AM


Looks good. Re the election process, I believe Renee was going to have a look over it. Do you want to assign a new task or just run with it as a normal background event ?


John Bryant Sat 22 Jun 2024 2:20AM

@Ewen Hill I think the action that's already on the list should be enough for these minutes, we can add more specific actions if they arise...