Sun 12 Oct 2014 9:11PM

WDC draft plans for Onerahi/Raumanga cycle/walkway 2014/2015

MG Myles Green Public Seen by 164

This discussion is about the WDC proposed plans for the Onerahi/Raumanga cycle/walkways to be implemented in 2014/2015.


Myles Green Mon 13 Apr 2015 9:46PM

Are you referring to the transition if coming down Onerahi Hill into CBD, then trying to get to other side of road to cycle path? If so how could this be done?


Paul William Doherty Tue 14 Apr 2015 12:52AM

I quite like it too. My preference would be more separation with the walkway\cycleway at the toe of the embankment.

I guess where there is room on the grass berm there will be separation from the main carriageway - ie from Brook Road to the boat sheds?

I prefer no painted separation between cyclists and peds - let us be citizens and re-store the essential art of cooperation!

The bridge crossings - does the WDC have plans to upgrade these? I thought I heard that? Maybe this is a temporary 2.5m dedunk/dedunk/dedunk solution until then?

If one is cycling down Onerahi Hill where is the best place to join the new cycleway? ie transition.

If one is cycling from Memorial Drive - on the road - how is it best to join the new facility? Go around the roundabout?

Myles, would WDC consider mini-roundabouts at the Mackesey, Brook, Awaroa River Roads - and a 60kph speed limit? Traffic-calming, amenity-building and safer!

Is there a chance of a conversation around a boardwalk from this track to join the Waimahanga track? There is headroom under the bridge at the bottom of Onerahi Hill for a track to pass underneath linking a boardwalk alongside the creek....rather than up Old Onerahi Road to Waimahanga Road, down and then up again.
(Acknowledgements to Pete Maguire for these ideas :-)

Is there a chance of promoting a ped\cyclist safety-review of the 4-lane section of Riverside Drive? This has always been the highest priority for a number of regular cyclists yet has not made the radar yet?

Thanks Myles for getting the conversation going!! Strength to you!


peter maguire Tue 21 Apr 2015 1:33AM

I support all the suggestions Paul has made above.


peter maguire Tue 21 Apr 2015 1:49AM

How about ta similar arrangemnt as the path at the Town basin (riverside drive) opp the end of dundas stt
ie an Intermittant steel barrier (instead of planters )seperating the 80 k/hr rd from the counterflow cycle path (much more protection from out of control cars/trucks and maybe some protection from loose bits flying off vehicles (All of these happen n too frequently along there there would be room fro maybe a 2.5 meter cycleway on top of the berm and another 2.5m walkway at the toe of the berm. this could avoid raising the causeway as much avoid need fro safety fence.
The bridges could have a floating board walk to for walkers as well as the cyclist cantilevers. the walking path could be lime chip or someother surface that is much cheaper but good for walking on.There could be room for planting onthe path side of the barrier.


Mark Garry Tue 21 Apr 2015 4:08AM

Hey guys. Have been following with interest. Really keen on the boardwalk idea from Riverside Road across the mangroves to Waimahanga if not now definitely in the future as proposed by Jeremy Busck and Paul. This will really put us on the map and draw people to ride even more. Have spoken to many people and everyone is keen on the idea. Be better way of spending money then concreting the Waimahanga which is adequate as it is with fine gravel. Love the section joining Beach Road to waimahanga, really exciting stuff. Well done everyone for your input. That section from Onerahi along riverside is going to be a cycle highway I reckon!! Great stuff


Myles Green Thu 23 Apr 2015 2:19AM

FYI when I asked why either concrete/asphalt for Waimahanga track I was told "the track surface needs to be family friendly, to allow for tricycles, skates, rollerblades etc". I'm not sure where this requirement came from.


peter maguire Thu 23 Apr 2015 4:00AM

I guess roller-blades and skates would find it difficult on lime chip but is that level of service for the whole network desirable?? cost effective??. I was interested to see that much of the Hawkes Bay network is in lime chip which is certainly suitable for small bikes and the Raurimu and Onerahi schools both have lime chip cycle paths. Wells park in Albany has had family friendly lime chip paths for at least 12 years. It can be spread graded and rolled with out having formed edges. which makes it cheap to lay and very cheap to maintain as every now and again a grade and rolling would be fine. It has the advantage of being easier to see in the moon lit nights. is much better to walk on than concrete.and after all the majority of users will still be walkers. I say If Boswell's track needs anything at all then use lime-chip and use the money saved for the bridges and the Riverside paths.
I totally support Jeremy Busck's idea of the path sweeping in a curve directly to Waimahnga Rd rather than the deviation up around old Onerahi rd to Waimanga Rd. For a cycle way to serve commuters then it needs to give comparative advantages to Cyclists over road.
I still favour linking the Sea cadets/Mariners/Scouts Rowing clubs on Pohe island with a crossing to the wave and Waka. this would again give a comparative advantage to cycle commuters.
If its' not feasible then the next best option would be to cross the bridge as proposed at the foot of the Onerahi hill then foll the edge of the Waimahanga stream below the childcare centre to Waimahanga Rd the path could be extended benath the bridge and up the other side to provide a safe crossing under. this could be the start of a futur link upstream to join the paper Rd linking Cartwright and Old Parua Bay RD and the Waimahanga walkway.


Jeremy Busck Sun 10 May 2015 12:20PM

Being environmentally minded, whilst I hear the call for a smooth surfaced cycle/walkway it is not environmentally friendly or responsible. We need more permeable surface not less. To concrete the Waimahanga Track would also be a sacrilege, take away its charm and be less of a dog walking friendly track. Beside that a hard impact surface is bad for runners and joggers, I genuinely suspect that all the wheelers using it will be bicycle and buggies with fat tyres. Let's not spoil its natural charm, stay away from the concrete jungle effect., preserve the beauty of Whangarei and the reason we don't live in Auckland or any other concrete jungle.
I still believe the Whangarei to Waimahanga stretch can be imaginative, kept away from the traffic interface and wend its way through the mangrove to meet up with the Waimahanga track.
As for connecting to it from different points, I am sure with a little imagination that can be accommodated.
I implore those advising council to ask for a board walk around Beach Road, from the Yacht club to the Sea Scout's club, it will be a winner with locals and visitors alike.
As for the Pohe Island loop cycle /walk way which I have been pushing for almost two decade, I say to Council "I told you so", it is a winner, I am so pleased to see it well used, its success can only be proof positive that this kind of investment is of great benefit to our community.Let us build on its success!

Lastly, WOW! after well over decade of pushing for a cycle /walk passage up the railway passage to Hikurangi, and Wayne Davidson saying " it can't be done", the reality of it happening is looking more positive now more than ever.


Mark Garry Sun 10 May 2015 8:07PM

Jeremy Busck makes a lot of sense. Save the money from the concreting of Waimahanga and use it for a boardwalk across the mangroves to Riverside road. The 2 bridges on Waimahanga DO have to be rebuilt / replaced however and thats going to happen.
The connection of Waimahanga track to Riverside road is more important I think. We could really create something amazing here. A ride or walk across mangrove areas would be unique - an added bonus for schools who would use it for study of mangrove eco systems.

Jeremy also alluded to the other end of Beach Rd to the Scout den area (The forgotten end). This is the most dangerous area for pedestrians with narrow/blind corners but also the best area for birdlife and expansive harbour views. A lot of thought needs to be put into this and a combination approach is the best I think.
Boardwalks as Jeremy suggested (could this be the answer along wall with steep drops?)
Further along a track could run along the shore starting from the Puriri arch (you know the one) and following past the Scout Den connecting up with the other end of Beach Rd
Create a better connection to the track already created by Brian McLachlan's PD workers and then continue the full length of Beach Rd to he Heads Rd and expand existing footpath up the hill to Hammer hardware, creating another loop.

A further loop on the Church Rd could be created just past the Scout Den up to the Lions lookout through the native plantings done by Brian and OCCLAG
In summary:
Lots can be done and there is plenty of interest, all we need is coordination and face to face meetings. There are some exciting prospects ahead.


Mark Garry Sun 10 May 2015 8:10PM

Agree with Jeremy and have posted a mesage on Loomio. Is it time for a face to face meeting with all the Loomio people and other interested in the walk/cycleway? There is a lot of goodwill out there ready to be harnessed.



Luigi Sun 10 May 2015 9:53PM

Much prefer a concrete surface to ride on but if the money saved could be spent on a boardwalk across the mangroves I'd happily settle for the metal option
Cheers, L


Shane Jansen Mon 11 May 2015 8:40AM

Like the idea of not having concrete through the Waimahanga and Boswell. Lime chip would be great although someone told me that all the Banksias and other Australian trees don't like that much lime and would die.
If council's desire is to have full accessibility along the length of the route (Raumanga - Onerahi Forshore) then perhaps a 1m wide asphalt path though the Waimahanga/Boswell with compacted metal alongside it of 1.5+ m width for walkers/cyclists/dogs etc?

Also be aware that Cr Brian McLachlan will be calling a public meeting in the coming month(s) to discuss the Waimahanga/Boswell track (surface). I can post a notice as soon as I hear something. He is aware of the diversity of opinion on the matter.


Mark Fuller Mon 11 May 2015 10:40AM

Cycling & Walking Reference Group met today and the issue of Waimahanga track surface was discussed. It appears that a hard surface may be a requirement from NZTA in order to make it “Family friendly” (whatever that means?). Because they are 60% funding the construction of this path they have a substantial say in the design parameters. Council are very aware of the widespread objection to a hard surface but are also reluctant to jeopardise future NZTA funding by not building to national standards. Action from the meeting was for council staff to check NZTA design specs.

I also presented feedback to the meeting regarding the proposal from Jeremy Busck & Peter Maguire to redesign the Eastern end of the Riverside Dr pathway. Their suggestion was to provide a raised boardwalk through the mangroves behind the childcare centre directly to the Waimahanga track, and an underpass below the bridge to allow access to the Northern side of Riverside Dr. This plan appears to have a lot of support although there are perceived difficulties with resource consents and land ownership issues. Action from the meeting was for council staff to check the viability of this route.

Unfortunately the narrow Eastern end of Beach Rd (from the yacht club to Scout club) is not part of the brief for the currently planned cycle/walkway (especially now that the newly completed and shortened Western section does not actually reach the yacht club). The Council’s implementation plan is to build the arterial corridors to the suburbs first (Raumanga, Onerahi, Kamo) then add the feeder routes, recreational pathways and capillaries later. I guess Beach Rd East is regarded as a recreational pathway.

I agree with Mark Garry. I think it is time for Loomio folk to meet face-to-face. We CAN influence the outcome of these proposals if we get co-ordinated. As the speakers from ‘Focus Paihia’ mentioned at the public meeting on Saturday afternoon...”ideas mean nothing without co-ordinated structure”. They have managed to transform their town on their own terms by banding together and presenting a united front to the Far North District Council. We could learn a lesson from them and do the same. What say the Loomio Folk? Any preferences for a day, time, venue to meet? Anyone can make a proposal on Loomio.


Mark Garry Tue 12 May 2015 9:27AM

Thanks guys for meeting up to promote the connection to Riverside including boardwalk. Sounds like Council are at least considering it.
Waimahanga looks set to be hard surface - we dont want to lose funding so we have to let that go it seems.
The Beach Rd East and North end through to Heads Road does need to be followed up by a interested group ( I am keen ) with the view to tap into our own resources (labour) and grants. Many of us in the area and outside are approaching retirement in the next few years - what better project to get involved in? Jeremy and Pam's effort shows what can be done. Pick off one area at a time until there is a network of tracks/cycleways throughout Whangarei and extending out to the Heads. Whangarei has procrastinated too long, lets build on the momentum. There are people talking out at Waikaraka ad Parua Bay about taking the cycleway out to the Heads as well. May take time but a great goal and achievable.

Question when should we all meet?
Can everyone perhaps indicate if they would be keen to meet, see how many and select a venue which may even be a private one or Yacht Club perhaps as per last weeks Beach rd meeting.


Myles Green Wed 13 May 2015 8:22PM

Hi all,

I think a meet-up is a great idea. It would be nice to keep it social so its less of a chore. Also How about we bring it out of Onerahi, these issues affect more than just Onerahi residents and if we include the rest of the city then we may have more support. What about meeting at Butter factory? next week...week after?


Luigi Thu 14 May 2015 4:58AM

I'm keen to meet a few of my fellow Bersaglieri if the date suits.
After work or weekends.
Cheers, L


Mark Garry Thu 14 May 2015 7:46PM

Suggest in 2 weeks on a Thursday or Friday evening (after 5 pm for the workers please). Saturday could be an option as well. I will make every effort to get there - who else keen? Time for a register of interest.


ash holwell Thu 14 May 2015 10:07PM

also keen. evenings best for me, thursday or friday fine.

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Jeremy Busck Thu 21 May 2015 10:44PM

Hi All, thanks Mark , I am glad you can see the visitor potential for an innovative cycle/walkway.One of my big concerns is that we & council get tunnel vision or our thinking gets clouded from the NZTA subsidy offer." Do it once, do it right". It is a most scary thought that NZTA's subsidy is steering the project to be a concrete highway, NZ & Whangarei needs less impermeable surfaces not more, please look after our environment. A compressed lime chip surface for the Waimahanga/Boswell track could be a compromise. Many of the cycleways I have ridden through Europe go away from the vehicle interface through parks, alongside water ways and by pass towns which make very pleasant riding.
Here we have the opportunity to be creative and innovative that will be out of the ordinary and rewarding for the district. Utilizing the rail corridor Whangarei to Hikurangi will be a winner
as will the Waipu cycle/walkway.

We are only limited by our imagination.
he rail corri


Jeremy Busck Tue 9 Jun 2015 12:23PM

I've always like the idea of a connection between Hihiaua Penninsular & Pohe Island, tried to get it incorporated into the William Fraser Memorial Park Management Plan. I see Peter Maguire likes the idea too. The connection could be via a slack rope hand driven pedestrian barge instead of a bridge.
I am sure this would be popular with all users of the Town Basin & Pohe Island


Paul William Doherty Tue 9 Jun 2015 8:11PM

Great idea Jeremy - a hand-drawn barge. That could be cool :-)
Any news on whether the concrete path along the Waimahanga\Boswell track has been abandoned - lots of concerned folk are asking me - hoping that WDC don't waste $$$ here with concrete.??


Mark Garry Wed 10 Jun 2015 9:30PM

Interesting idea. I also am keen to see some sort of landing for small craft such as kayaks. It is very hard to find a safe place to launch anywhere in the area. I actually use an area near the Pools in the absence of a "public' ramp. Yacht club ramp is closed to the public with a barrier. Does anyone know where to launch a kayak when the tide is out? There will be a resurgence in small craft using the area and I wonder why there has not been any thought put into a ramp or small pontoon for small craft. It would not be a hard or expensive thing to do either.


Mark Garry Wed 10 Jun 2015 9:31PM

Still keen for a meeting at some stage.


peter maguire Wed 10 Jun 2015 11:57PM

A good place could be incorporated near the bridge at foot of
Onerahi hill. but I guess there is no parking for cars there. the
stream is reasonably close to the road along Waimahanga rd could be
a launching place along there. maybe just past the childcare. If the
kayak is on a bike trailor then maybe by the big Puriri on the


Mark Fuller Thu 11 Jun 2015 11:10AM

Cycle reference group met last Monday and it appears that council's stance on the concrete surface at Waimahanga track is starting to soften.
Council is planning a public meeting for information/consultation on the Riverside to Onerahi route for approximately 2 weeks time. Details of meeting will be published in the Onerahi Orbit & local media. I will post here on Loomio when a date/time/location have been finalised.
I would like Loomio folk & any other cycling enthusiasts to meet prior to that so that we can co-ordinate our responses.
Myles & I can act as a conduits - from you to council - and vice versa, through the cycle/reference group but we need to get synchronised.
Lets gather next FRI 19th JUNE at Old Butter Factory. I'll be there at 6.30pm inside the door on the right hand side.
Please spread among your cycling contacts.
See you there!
Mark F.


peter maguire Thu 11 Jun 2015 8:55PM

another consideration that should become increasingly a concern is
the carbon footprint of such infrastructure. while i haven't any
figures i understand that concrete has a large amount of embedded
energy usually derived from burning coal (although I understand
Portland does use a proportion biofuels) any one got data on
various treatments and their carbon footprints?


Mark Garry Fri 12 Jun 2015 11:42PM

Hope to see everyone at the Butterfactory, thanks Mark for setting that opportunity up. Be good to meet everyone doing all the good work


Ag Wed 17 Jun 2015 6:01AM

Just got my e-bike and will again be a regular cycle commuter along Riverside after some years. Would like to be part of this meeting on Friday, however already have two things on Friday night. I agree with comments above that if people work in a coordinated way we can influence council process.
Agnes Hermans


Mark Fuller Wed 17 Jun 2015 11:56AM

Discussion regarding the proposed Onerahi & Riverside Drive Cycle/Walkway + council's plans for the city-wide cycling & walking network.
This FRI 19th @ 6.30pm-Old Butter Factory.
Bring yourselves and anyone else interested in being part of the conversation.
If you can't make it send your contact ph @ email to [email protected] to stay in the loop.
Mark F.


Jeremy Busck Sat 20 Jun 2015 8:04AM

Council Meets Onerahi Residents re our Cycle/walkway
Your chance to have your say, give some practical input and improve the councils design.
Date: Friday 26th June 2015
Venue : Onerahi Community Hall.
Time: 4 pm to 6 pm


Jeremy Busck Sun 21 Jun 2015 5:22AM



Jeremy Busck Sun 21 Jun 2015 7:15AM

Sorry about the misinformation but:
Meet the Councillors & Staff re the Onerahi Cycleway.
The Corrected date is Wednesday 29th July 4pm t0 7pm at the Onerahi Community Hall.


Jeremy Busck Tue 23 Jun 2015 4:10AM

Hi all, it's worth reading the council pages in todays Whangarei Leader covering the proposed cycleways.
Note Nick Marshall's discovery that it's best to consult with the public before ploughing ahead with council initiated projects, something that should of been happening over the last 100 years and
this requirement is also written in law!


Mark Fuller Wed 22 Jul 2015 8:51AM

Just a reminder that the next community open day for public consultation regarding the plans for Onerahi cycle/walkway is next week - Wednesday 29th July 4pm to 7pm at the Onerahi Community Hall.
Link to council web page as below.